Family Roll

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Sanji was giving serious thought to sending Saro to kindergarten. He talked about it with Zoro and they mutually decided to send him to Garp's Playschool. ( Zoro's interest: The principal, Garp (Luffy's grandpa) is funny ; wears a doggy mask and entertains the children! ; Sanji's interest: Robin chan is a teacher there!*heart eyes*)

Saro had grown up quite a bit. He could now walk properly and get down from the bed on his own. Though getting up was still a feat. Sanji often found the chibi dangling from the edge of the bed.

Saro would grab the bed sheet tightly with his tiny fists and laboriously prop one leg up on the bed. Then he would try to swing his other leg up as well. However, even after numerous tries Sanji would return to the room to find Saro still dangling at the same place. Nevertheless, the chibi was a brave soul and these minor failings did not deter his spirit.

His efforts bemused Sanji, who could not help smiling but Zoro was a worrywart. Whenever, he saw Saro dangling from the edge of the bed he would rush to the chibi and place him either on the bed or on the floor, lest he hurt himself. This however, did not make Saro happy. The chibi upset at his Papa, would puff up his marshmallow cheeks and sit cross legged with his back turned to his Papa. Sanji would have to eventually intervene to resolve the issue.

One morning a drowsy little Saro woke up to find his green haired Papa, sleeping beside him. The blanket was pulled over them but his Mama was not beside them.

Saro very slowly and carefully slid down the bed till his tiny feet touched the floor and he made a soft landing. The chibi scuttled off to the kitchen. There he found his Mama busy preparing food.

Sanji was softly humming a tune as he prepared the food. A serene smile adorned his lips. The golden rays of the morning sun coming in through the window, bathed his profile in a sublime hue.

Transfixed, the chibi stared at Sanji for a few moments, his tiny mouth hanging open. Then with his tiny arms outstretched he trotted towards Sanji and clung onto Sanji's trousers.

Sanji got over his momentary surprise and with the most loving smile, bent down and picked Saro up in his arms.

Sanji: (beaming) "Good morning Saro!"

Saro: (innocently smiling with his eyes closed) "Goo- mornee- Mama!"

Saro suddenly leaned forward and placed his tiny palms on each of Sanji's cheeks. The golden sunrays falling on Sanji's face illuminated him. Saro looked in awe at his Mama for a few moments.

Sanji: (giggling at Saro's expression) "What's the matter Saro?"

Saro: (wonderstruck voice) "Mama a-an-gel. Mama an-gel! Mama an-gel!" (the child started smiling)

Sanji: (beaming) "And Saro is my angel!!"

Sanji ended by rubbing the tip of Saro's nose with his own.

They burst out laughing.

Once they had caught their breath Saro looked at the kitchen counter and said, "Mama, what you making?"

Sanji: (pointing at a roll of sushi on a plate) "I am making vegetable tempura sushi. It's almost ready. Now, go and wake up your Papa, brush your teeth and quickly come back for breakfast. OK?" (Sanji ended by briefly touching the tip of Saro's nose with his index finger)

Saro: "Emm." (The child nodded his head obediently.)

Sanji put back Saro in a standing position on the ground. The child scuttled back towards their bedroom as fast as his tiny legs would carry him. Sanji smiled and resumed his work.

Saro got back to the bedroom and pulled himself up on the bed. (He grabbed the white blanket Zoro was sleeping under to pull himself up)

Saro found his Papa still sleeping. The chibi tried calling him, poking his cheeks and pushing him with all his might but to no avail. On the contrary, Zoro pulled the blanket to completely cover his face leaving only a tuft of his green hair visible.

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