Invincible Marimo

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A warm breath tickled the blonde haired man's ear causing him to stir in his sleep. A strong arm embraced his slender waist pulling him closer to a bare muscular chest when he squirmed. At the same time something small and warm wiggled closer to the chest of the blonde man.

The man drowsily opened one eye and looked down to see a small tuft of blonde hair near his chest. He gently ran his fingers through the soft, silky golden tuft of hair near his bosom. He closed his eyes again.

A nose poked into the blonde man's shoulder.

Sanji put his hand over the one embracing his waist and looked at the alarm clock on the table. It showed 7:15.

The next moment Zoro was sent flying out of bed with a kick.

Zoro: (confused; rubbing his head) "Wh-What the......What was that?"

Sanji: (ignoring Zoro, urgently yet gently shakes the chibi) "Saro.... honey wake up. You're getting late for school!"

The little angel had curled himself up like a kitten. He slowly lifted one of his tiny paws and opened one sparkling green eye to look at his Mama drowsily.

Sanji: (affectionately rubbing Saro's back) "Wake up Saro! Don't you want to go to school?"

Still sleepy the chibi nodded his tiny head gently and lay flat on his back.

Zoro: (annoyed voice) "Shouting early in the morning... What time is it?" (Rubbing his eyes followed by stretching his arms behind him)

Sanji: (mechanically) "It's 7:20."

Saro lifted his tiny arms towards Sanji and wiggled his little paws. Sanji smiled his million dollar smile at Saro's behaviour and lifted him in his arms and kissed him on the forehead.

The green haired man observed this little episode from the bedside and blushed.

Zoro: (softly) "You should have woken me earlier." (Turning to face the opposite side to hide his expression)

Sanji: (throwing a dirty look at Zoro) "Teme! We all woke up late because you came back so late last night!"

Zoro: (mumbling) "I had to do overtime..."

Sanji: (urgently) "Take the chibi and freshen up quickly while I make breakfast."

Zoro stood in place on the other end of the room and raised his hands in front of him taking the stance of a goal keeper.

Sanji: (barking) "What the hell are you trying to do kusoyaro?" (He kicked the marimo plushie so hard that it hit Zoro on the chin and sent him flying backwards.)

Saro: (staring at his Papa's flying figure with a bed head on his tiny head) "Mama why did you get mad at Papa?"

Sanji: (casually) "Because the idiot was trying to play ball first thing in the morning."

Sometime later:--

Sanji was plating the breakfast on the table when Zoro came in carrying Saro. Zoro had blow dried Saro's hair making it look like a tuft of blonde sheep wool.

Sanji: (raising one of his curly eyebrows) "What is up with that hairstyle?"

Zoro: (proudly) "It looks cute on Saro. Besides I can see both his eyes this way!"

Sanji: (landing a punch on Zoro's head) "Aho! Of course my son looks cute in any hairstyle!"

Sanji took Saro into the bedroom and started brushing his hair. When they didn't return even after a while Zoro went in to find them.

Zoro's POV:--

Sanji had brushed Saro's hair back to its original style but there were four stubborn ahoge that refused to lie flat.

Sanji brushed them down and five more sprang up on Saro's hair.

He tried to brush them flat again and this time six new ones cropped up.

Sanji gave a sigh and resumed brushing. This time a total of ten ahoge sprouted all over Saro's head.

Sanji flung away the comb in frustration and patted Saro's head from all sides and pressed his hands over the chibi's head to prevent them from returning.

The little angel stared at his Mama with wide eyes and started giggling.

Saro: (still giggling) "Now Mama has naughty hair!"

Sanji: (bewildered, saw Zoro stifling a laugh) "What?"

Sanji saw his reflection in the mirror. Now his head adorned five such ahoge.

Saro stood up and came over to Sanji. The chibi then started patting his Mama's head with his tiny paw.

Saro: "There.... there.... no more naughty hair."

Saro had successfully got rid of all of the ahoge but Sanji saw that they had returned on the chibi's head.

Sanji spontaneously pressed three of them down on the chibi's head and simultaneously they returned on his own head.

Saro hit them down with a soft pat of his tiny paw (almost as though he was hitting a fly though it was so soft, Sanji was not sure if it was even enough to knock out an insect).

However, they returned on Saro's head and the process continued for a while till Zoro came up to the duo and simultaneously put one hand on each of their heads, pressing the stubborn ahoge down all at once.

Sanji and Saro looked up at Zoro and the three remained silent in this manner for a few moments.

Zoro finally removed his hands but no more ahoge shot up. Sanji and Saro were still watching him, rather his green hair intently.

Zoro's hair was as spiky and bushy as usual. No ahoge cropped up on his head even after sometime.

Sanji: (impressed) "Oh! The Marimo is invincible!"

Saro: (happily) "Papa kakkoii!"

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