What Saro Wants

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Saro was sitting at his tiny desk while dangling his little legs and looking at the pictures of his story book- An Ugly duckling. The chibi occasionally looked up at his Mama to ask something. All Blue was closed today and Sanji was busy cleaning and reorganizing the place.

Sanji was meticulously cleaning the wine glasses but his mind was lost in his thoughts.

Sanji's thoughts:

"It has been more than a week that the Marimo has been returning late."

"Every time I ask him, he just replies with a vague 'overtime', leaving the room as he mumbles."

"He doesn't even look in my eyes when he speaks anymore."

"Also there's this unfamiliar scent of a women's perfume that I always get from his work suit these days when I'm about to wash it......"


Sanji was pulled out of his thoughts by Saro's call.

Sanji: (gently) "What is it Saro?"

Saro: (puffing his soft white cheeks) "Mama not listening!"

Sanji: (apologetically) "I am sorry Saro. I was thinking. What did you say?"

Saro: (eyes wide and sparkling, looks up at Sanji) "Mama duck is ugly?"

Sanji: "No ducks are n—"

At this point the front door of All Blue sprang open.

Sanji: (confused) "I am sorry but we are closed right ---"

At that moment Luffy, Usopp and Robin came in smiling.

Sanji: (beaming) "What a pleasant surprise! Welcome guys!"

Sanji: (pulling out a chair gracefully) "Please take a seat Robin sensei!"

Robin: (smiling) "Thank you" (takes a seat)

Luffy and Usopp: (simultaneously raising their hands in disapproval) "Oy! Oy! We're also your friends you know!"

Sanji: (completely ignoring their complaints) "So what brings you guys here?" (Smiling, goes behind the counter and starts preparing treats for them)

Saro came scuttling beside the trio and bent his little head in a tiny bow to each one of them saying, "Ohayo sensei", "Ohayo Uncle Luffy", "Ohayo Uncle Long nose"

Robin: (smiling) "Ohayo Saro kun."

Usopp: (eyes wide with disbelief) "Oh! When did Saro learn to greet like that?"

Luffy started laughing while petting Saro on the head.

Sanji: (placing their drinks in front of them) "It's all thanks to Robin sensei's teachings." (He said with motherly pride.)

Luffy: (placing his arm around Usopp's neck) "Sanji listen to this Usopp finally got a job!"

Sanji: (beaming) "Really! Congratulations!"

Usopp: (sniffling) "It had been my dream for so long Sanji kun... Finally, I got the job!"

Saro: (eyes wide, has been listening intently the whole time) "Uncle Long nose still sleepy?"

Saro: (closed his eyes and smiled his angelic smile) "Uncle Long nose baka!"

Usopp placed his hands under the chibi's little arms and raised him up placing him on the counter in a seating position.

Saro looked at Usopp curiously while dangling his little legs.

Usopp: (explaining) "It's not the dream that you see when sleeping Saro kun. It's about what you want to be when you grow up."

Saro: (dreamy voice) "What I want to be when I grow up....."

Luffy: (excitedly) "You could go on an adventure!"

Saro: (big inquisitive eyes) "Uncle Long nose can I be a panda?"

Usopp: (blinking his eyes) "Umm ...no. You can't become an animal but you can do what you want!"

Luffy: (excited) "You could eat all the tasty food that you want!" (Starts drooling just by imagining)

Usopp: (smacking Luffy's head away with the back of his hand) "Not everyone only dreams about eating like you!"

Saro: (thoughtfully tilts his little head) "But Mama makes everything that I love to eat for me."

Robin: (smiling) "That's right Saro chan. When you grow up would you like to become someone like your Mama?"

Sanji was preparing a meal for everyone while listening to this animated conversation. He smiled and looked up at Saro.

Saro stared at his Mama for a few moments then turned to face Usopp and Luffy. The chibi pouted. His lower pink lip was visible as he slowly turned his little blonde head side to side.

Saro: (sudden outburst) "Don't want to be like Mama!"

Sanji was so shocked that he stopped cooking and crouched down on all fours. He became a chibi version of himself against a miasmatic purple backdrop.

Luffy started shaking Sanji's white, chibi, lifeless shell.

Luffy: "Oi! Sanji get a hold of yourself!"

Usopp: (perplexed) "O-Oi Saro kun why do you say that?"

Saro: (explaining with his green sparkling eyes wide open) "Mama grow up but still holds Papa's hand whenever we go out."

Sanji who had just recovered became a chibi again. He boiled red in embarrassment till it finally reached his head and was released as steam.

Robin: (smiling) "Fu fu fu. Is that so Saro kun?"

Saro: (earnestly nodding) "Hm." (Author: Me at the moment ready with a pen and diary and eyes gleaming like PX- 5. "Saro chan what else do your parents do when they're together?")

Usopp and Luffy (waving their hands in a fanning motion in unison) "Nope, Saro you have got it wrong. Your Papa would be in trouble if your Mama left his hand."

The others were busy talking with Saro. Sanji heard his mobile ringing on the shelf. He went to receive the call.

The screen read 'Kuso Kenshin'. Sanji picked up the call.

Sanji: "What's u-"

Zoro: (voice a little hurried and hushed) "I met Usopp on the way. We'll be going for a few drinks. I'll be late don't wait up for me."

The call disconnected abruptly. Sanji was only able to hear the faint voice of a woman nearby saying, "Hurry up!".

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