Chapter 3

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I flinched and immediately turned on the bedside lamp. My eyes widened in fear as they searched the room to track down the source of that voice. However, the room was vacant, nobody was there.

I'm almost certain I heard a deep voice, and It definitely didn't come from my phone. I got out of my bed and went to my window, it was shut. And that shouldn't even bother me as I live alone in this street.

Now I'm scared. I went to the door and opened it, the corridor was also empty.

I guess it's all right, nobody is here.

I returned to my bed and crept on it. I laid down, no longer in the mood to pleasure myself, I continued the series and started watching it.

But my mind kept giving me signals that someone is watching me and all of a sudden there was a movement on the very left side where my eyes were focusing and without wasting any time; I turned my head round around in the direction of the movement, my eyes widened in horror and I gasped. I abruptly sat back in fear.

There was a boy sitting on my armchair in the corner of the room.

He was looking at me, smirking. I gulped in fear. I was so afraid that I couldn't form a word. Thousands of questions were in my head, who is he? How did he get in? What if he hurts me?

"W-who a-are you?" I stuttered.

He got up and arrived at the foot of my bed.

I flinched in terror at his sudden action. He was still smirking at me.

"H-how d-did you get in?" I stuttered again. I was shitting bricks. His smirk widened at my words.

"I live here, love" he said. His voice was deep. And I instantly recognized it, it was him earlier.

"W-what d-do you mean?" What the fuck does he mean he lives here? This is my house. I pay the rent.

"This is my house that you are living in." His eyes diverted towards my thong, and I immediately pulled the covers up.

He devilishly grinned at my action.

I planned inside my head, I needed to leave. I will escape this room, lock it and afterwards I'll call the police.

Instantly, I leapt out of the bed and raced to the door with all my strength. As I was about to reach the door, the door slammed shut on its own. I snatched the door handle and took a stab at opening it, however, it won't open, it was locked. "The fuck?" I murmured in shock. I attempted over and over to open it but it won't budge.

I glanced back at him, he was standing right at his past spot, sneering.

He moved toward me and I shouted right away "Don't even think about approaching me."

He raised one of his eyebrows in entertainment at me.

My eyes arrived on a vase close to me that I purchased a couple of days prior. I quickly got it and tossed it toward him. He didn't even budge to shield himself.

To my absolute astonishment, the vase flew directly through him. I was flabbergasted. My eyes extended in shock that they would emerge from my eye socket. My eyes couldn't completely accept what simply occurred. How could the vase penetrate right through him?

He started grinning and shaking his head at me as if what I did right now was the stupidest thing.

He took long strides toward me and I pressed my back against the door.

"Wrong move, flower" he said. He got hold of a portion of the strands of my hair between his fingers.

The vase just flew right through him, then how can he touch me? 

I could feel his hot breath on my face. His face was just a few centimetres away from mine.

"H-how did that happen?" I asked.

His gaze settled on me. After a few moments of silence, he answered me.

"I'm a ghost."

I just blankly stared at him. Does he really think he is funny? First, he intruded in my house then he claimed to be the owner of this house and now this? My blood boiled in anger at this. I managed to kick right through his face but this time he dodged.

"Close call." He grinned as he spoke.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Do you really think I believe in your crap? I want you to get out of my house this instant or I'll call the cops." I raised my voice in the end.

He laughs at me. "How do you think that vase penetrated right through me?" he said.

I honestly don't know, that is impossible. What if he is what he says he is?

I sincerely don't have the foggiest idea. That is impossible. What if he is what he says he is? I have been encountering these odd things, my undies missing, my food getting completed early regardless of whether I'm not eating, that impression of a hand. Was it all his doing?

Omg, I have been residing in this house for more than a week and there was a ghost in it this entire time.

I glanced back at him and he was taking a gander at me mindfully. Now that I notice him he very closely resembles a human. He gives no indication of being a ghost. He is breathing and blinking. Be that as it may, he looks pale; his eyes look dead, there is no touch of splendour in his eyes.

He takes a step back and in a heartbeat, he is back on the armchair sitting.

I gasped at how fast he was that I couldn't even see him. Ok, another point demonstrating that he is a ghost.

He motions for me to sit on the bed. First I hesitated but did as I was told.

I sat on the bed tensely, fiddling with my fingers.

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