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"Please! Spare us some coins! My child doesn't have enough coins!" a woman yelled.

"Please spare me some coins..."

"I will pay you back I promise!"

"I'm willing to pay a million- no ten million won! I will buy 100 coins for ten million won!" 

"Where is my sister?! She volunteered for the search party! She promised to give me some of her coins!"

Y/N watched at the people around him panicking and begging others so they could survive. 'Do you see this Minjun? This is how desperate humans are to survive. It's similar to the scene at the train cabin,'  thought Y/N, looking at the golden eyed child who stared at the sight in front of them without looking away. 'This sight says everything about this changed world. Coins are power in this apocalyptic world.' .

"Dokja!" someone approached the group. "I'm so glad to see you," it was Cheon Inho who was smiling with a sparkly aura around him. 

'That aura... it's similar to hyung's when he scams people,'  Y/N recognised that aura as 'a scammer's aura'. 

[Cheon Inho has activated the skill 'Incite' lv 2]

'He's up to no good. Everyone here is desperate for coins and I'm currently the person with the most coins in this train station,'  thought Kim Dokja.


"Who has a lot of coins?!" everyone's attention was now on Kim Dokja. Surrounding him and his group.

"D-Dokja-ssi was it? P-Please help me!" a woman grabbed Dokja's arm. "100 coins! 100 coins is all I need!" 

Y/N was quick to pry the woman's hand off of Dokja. "Hands off of hyung," he glared at the people gathering around Dokja for coins.

"Haha no need to get so defensive Y/N-ssi," chuckled Inho before turning to Dokja. "Dokja-ssi, I don't have enough coins on me to help all these poor people, but you have a lot of coins. Are you just going to let them die?" 

'Cheon Inho!'  Dokja gritted his teeth. 'I have 20 people gathered around if. If I share with them, I'd lose around 2,000 coins. If I don't share my coins with them, then I'll become a villain but... how many of them actually deserve my help? The theme of the first scenario was sin. They can't even take responsibility for their own lives even though they took another's live to survive in the first scenario.' .

"Haha, this is quite interesting. You have ten minutes remaining," Bihyung appeared on the screens used to display when the train would come in the station. 

[The constellation 'Secret Plotter' is waiting for your decision]

[The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is waiting for your decision]

[The constellation 'Demon Judge of Fire' is waiting for your decision]

"I see. You want some coins? But... why should I give you any?" Dokja had made his decision.

"Haha.. hahahaha! I knew you'd say that!" laughed Inho.

The people around Kim Dokja started to criticize him. They began yelling and demanding him to share his coins with them as Cheon Inho and his follows smirked.

"Return the coins to these people," said Inho.

"And if I refuse?" asked Dokja.

"Then... things will get very ugly," people started charging towards Dokja. Y/N was quick to act. 'I'll use fallen crown again-'  someone placed their hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Y/N, don't use fallen crown again. Don't use it ever again unless if I tell you to," said Dokja, cutting off one of the arms of the people charging at him with his other hand.

"How pathetic. Do you really blame me for this situation?" Dokja glared at the group in front of him. "You know very well that what's happening has nothing to do with me. You're just doing this because you're scared of them," Dokja pointed at Inho's group. "You know exactly what's wrong and your lives are at stake but they're stronger than you are. You're afraid of them because they have more coins are have higher status than you."

"Haha look now Dokja, what are you trying to say?" questioned Inho. 

"But why is it that they have more coins are higher status?" Dokja continued, making Inho flinch. "Because they're gangsters? No."

The people started to question Inho and he tried to defend himself until Dokja dropped the bomb. They were killing the people volunteering to go out for the search party for their coins.

"If you have any pride left inside you then fight them yourselves!" shouted Dokja.

The once safe place for survivors soon turned into a war zone. People started killing each other, fighting back for coins and survival. Y/N felt someone tug his shirt. He looked down and saw Minjun standing there.

"Hyung... I've never understood the meaning of 'human nature' clearer than today," the child said. 

"I know it's overwhelming but, this is the perfect definition of 'doing whatever it takes to survive'," Y/N slammed his sword at someone charging at him on the head, making it shatter. 'Ah, it broke.' .

[The constellation 'Eyes of the world' has sent you some gifts!]

[You have obtains the sword  'Moonlight'] 

"Hey, just in time," Y/N smirked as a black sword with a sharp silver blade formed in his hand. 

[The skill 'Rising Star' lv ??? has activated]

The (h/c) male ran into the crowd of people, swinging his blade and landing clean hits. Soon, the people that were in arm length of him feel to the ground one by one like dominos, their blood coating the once silver blade.

[The skill 'Blood Moon' has been activated]

[Anyone whose blood has fallen on the blade will be paralysed for five seconds]

"Huh? Well it's a little too late for that. They're all on the ground already," Y/N looked at the people on the ground who were no longer breathing. "I didn't want to kill you guys, but if I don't then you'll kill me.". 'Well that's if they could even touch me.' . Y/N looked around. There was barely anyone who was standing aside from the people in his group while there were plenty of dead bodies.

'It's hard to believe that these people were joking around and sharing food a while ago,'  thought Kim Dokja. 

"Humans, are such desperate creatures," Y/N heard the child with golden eyes mumble next to him, staring at the dead bodies that littered the floor. 

'They are the most desperate creatures on Earth,'  thought the (h/c) male.