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As if applauding a great performance, the sounds of footsteps and clapping echoed in the room as a familiar man appeared with a smile on his face. The man's face was extremely handsome with onyx eyes that held great warmth and a figure that most men desired, however this rare, good looking face was nothing new to Y/N. In fact, he knew two people who had this very face. 

"Kim Joonghyun," the (h/c) haired male spoke calmly, but underneath that calm facade was a heart rippling with emotions. He had gotten use to the other male appearing so suddenly, but the feelings that he had once felt towards the other man has never left. Never. 

"Y/N, do you find it fun to fix things in stories that aren't your own?" Kim Joonghyun questioned with a smile. "Why fix the past of 'L/N Y/N' when you'll be leaving with me anyways?" With a click of his finger, the overseers disappeared. No, they weren't killed, but they were teleported somewhere else. 

"Now why would I leave with you?" the (h/c) haired male asked coldly, drawing his sword.

If it was in the past, he would've taken Kim Joonghyun's hand immediately without even needing to hear the other's words. Even after Kim Joonghyun died, he still lied to himself that the other was still alive and was waiting for him to find him and leave this disgusting place together... but not anymore. The man standing in front of him was not his Kim Joonghyuk, but the fragments of obsession that Kim Joonghyun had left behind. 

When Kim Joonghyun died, he too was in love with Y/N. While he always had a good temper on the outside, his true feelings and desires were the opposite- it's said that the better the temper someone has, the more unusual they are after all. Even in his death, he could not get over his feelings for the (h/c) haired male, and he once again appeared, clinging onto his obsessions. This never should've happened, which was why fate has changed and so has Y/N's story. 

Kim Joonghyun... he was the one who gave everything to Y/N, but he was also the one who took everything away from him. Y/N's emotions became very complicated, after all Kim Joonghyun was his everything. He was all that he had, but not anymore.

"Why interfere with someone else fate? Why interfere with another's story? Yours is right here with me," Kim Joonghyun smiled, placing his hand on his chest. 

"What kind of bullshit are you spouting?" 

"'Kim Joonghyun' should've never existed, and neither should this 'L/N Y/N'. Abnormalities should stick together, let's end this and get our ending," Kim Joonghyun spread his arms wide as a portal appeared behind him. Unlike the colourful portals like the ones in stories and films, this one was completely black, as if it wasn't a portal at all but a void full of darkness. 

'The epilogue is right there isn't it?'  Y/N felt his strength leave as his sword fell to the ground with a 'clang'. 'Is the ending that near?'  he felt fear slowly creep into his heart, but at the same time he also felt a bit a relief. Maybe he was slowly getting tired. 

"Let's go?" Y/N heard someone whisper in his ear. The voice was soft and gentle, making him nearly fold on spot. "Wasn't there something that you've always wanted to tell me?" the phantom touch of someone's hand landed on his shoulder. 

"There was..." Y/N spoke softly, clenching his fists. 

 Kim Joonghyun's smile became even wider, his eyes narrowing into arcs.

[The constellation 'Secret Plotter' is looking at you] 

"But I have someone else that I want to tell that to now," the smile on Kim Joonghyun's smile dropped as the (h/c) haired male continued. 

"Someone else...?" Kim Joonghyun spoke in disbelief, "in this life you can only be mine!" a sword with a blade as black as the night sky appeared in his hands as he charged at the (h/c) haired male.

"Get the fuck in line then bitch," a chain appeared in thin air and lifted the fallen sword back into Y/N's hand. Showing Kim Joonghyun the middle finger, he smiled and said, "What makes you think you can go first when I haven't even fucked Yoo Joonghyuk's entire bloodline like I said before and he's the only one in it?!"

"There's 1863-" before Kim Joonghyun could finish, Y/N's sword stabbed right through him.

"4," the (h/c) haired male correct, "there's 1864 of them." He then showed a gentle smile with a hint of sadness visible in his eyes, "and I owe all of them an apology." 

Kim Joonghyun then lowered his head as he slowly started to turn into particles. 

"I love you," Kim Joonghyun said with not even a bit of hatred in his voice, but instead it was full of love. "I love you more than all 1864 of them, so I beg you to not force me to leave you." 

'You love me but unfortunately this isn't our story,'  the (h/c) haired male watched as the white particles that his first love had turned into slowly dissipate in the air. The sword that he held onto was completely clean without even a bit of blood, it was as if he had stabbed the air and the man named 'Kim Joonghyun' had never existed at all. 

"I won't let you forget me," it was as if the wind had whispered something into the (h/c) haired male's ears, though it would be impossible for wind to appear here. 

[A new ghost knight has been created] 

[The ghost knight 'Phantom Heart' is under your command] 

A ghost knight wearing a vest and tie accompanied with a cape on his shoulders, a pair of gloves and a mask covering the upper half of his face appeared in front of the (h/c) haired male. Although he was transparent like the rest of the ghost knights, the parts covered by his cape could not be seen through. However, when the knight kneeled in front of Y/N before grabbing his hand and gently kissing it, the cape slightly moved and you could see that a side of his chest was completely hollow. 

Unlike the other ghost knights, he didn't have a black flame where his heart should be, it was just completely empty. Maybe it wasn't a black flame that he was missing, but a heart. Or maybe it did not take the form of a flame because fire could not cause his heart to burn, but the love of Y/N can. Without it needing to show, the (h/c) haired male already had his heart on fire. 

In an empty alleyway in Seoul, a child that looked about 12 with a pair of glowing golden eyes spoke to what looked like thin air. 

Private message:
Eyes of the World: A part of Kim Joonghyun has disappeared

Choi Minjun furrowed his eyebrows, "what do you mean by 'a part'?" 

Eyes of the World: He's still out there... somewhere



Someone fed me angst and I got pissed while thinking about it so I decided to delete Kim Joonghyun but then I felt a bit bad. 

(Chapter is unedited)