Chapter 46: Peace Talks

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Chapter 46: Peace Talks

The music swelled around the dining chamber - ricocheting off the silvery walls and bouncing back off the gabled rooftops. The usual chatter of staff and soldiers droned in an impalpable buzz around the room as Eve subconsciously swayed to the music, humming to herself as she picked at some grapes.

The music wasn't particularly pleasing to the ear tonight; despite the violins and drums usually combining to create a soothing sound during meals. Something must have gone awry with the charm, Eve thought.

Eve had a taste for the palliative and the classical. She liked the satisfying notes and the tragic off-keys. What was currently being played was strained and turbulent. She was half tempted to go over and re-charm it herself so that the music didn't sound so off.

"So, when's he arriving?" another Matron with dusted bronze cheeks and flaming red hair asked her from the table, cutting her knife through some roast duck. "The others said he was quite the spectacle."

"Not sure," Eve replied, running slender fingers along the white blossoms that trailed down her hair, their cloying scent wafting with each head movement. Eve paid no heed to the fact that her gaze had been subconsciously flicking to the large arched doors now and then.

"Well, does he make the list?" the redhead asked. Eve turned to her questioningly. "You know, the list."

A breath of bemused air escaped Eve's lips as she pushed some food around her plate. "You know how unprofessional I find it to keep such lists."

A third Matron piped up from across the table, her rounded face breaking into a knowing leer, a few wisps of hair breaking free from her tight bun. "Nonsense! I was like you once," she said, waving a roast chicken leg around as she spoke, "I used to think I'd never be so unprofessional as to keep a list of the most attractive patients. But it happens. Especially when you've been a Matron as long as I have."

"See," the redhead said with a smug nod. "I told you."

Eve laughed. "Well then in a few years I'll be sure to keep you informed of any lists I may or may not create. Anyway, you've only been a Matron for five years, Viv. With almost thirty years of service behind her, I'd say Hilda somewhat deserves to keep a list."

"You're both young, beautiful, elegant," the elder Matron began, taking a bite out of the chicken leg. "If you're ever going to have a list, now's the time. Because when you're as young and as lovely as you are now, you can still act on it should you wish. You think I can still act on my list at my age? Pah! Not when I've tripled in size and have hair growing in places I thought hair could never grow-"

"Hilda!" the redhead scorned, though she was holding back a chuckle.

The round-faced Matron shrugged. "I'm just saying. You'll see it someday, Vivienne. So will you, Eve."

The Matrons' attentions were torn from one another when the doors opened and General Dauricus walked in - lofty and contemptuous as ever. His soldiers stiffened in unison, their legs clapping together as their right hands flew to their temples in salute.

"Why are there so many soldiers here tonight?" Vivienne asked, noting at least thirty lining just one of the silvery walls.

"Probably a training exercise," Hilda said. "Happens all the time."

The General paid no attention to the gawking crowd who seemed to be steering towards something behind him. He shot a disapproving look at his soldiers, who readily returned to their positions at his glower. Eve watched as the entire chamber seemed to still somewhat as an imminent figure loomed beyond the doors.

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