Chapter 2: The Game

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Chapter 2: The Game

"A pretty sight, a girl with a book."

Estela didn't even have to look up to see who was there. She knew by the unmistakably confident tones of his voice that it was Alden, and she could practically smell his self-assuredness wafting towards her.

She didn't look up from the pages of her book. "Far prettier than the sight of a Death Eater at my door, I'm sure."

"Even a Death Eater this handsome?"

She rolled her eyes. "What do you want?"

"I was sent to get you, you've been asked to attend a meeting."

She turned the page, even though she'd stopped taking in the words by now. "Well it's a good thing I've been asked, because my answer is no."

She heard him let out a small laugh. "Then, forgive me, I must have worded it incorrectly. You've been ordered to attend a meeting."

"And I'm not in the mood to follow any orders. I'd much rather sit here and continue reading my book."

Alden then stepped into the room and strolled towards her, and that was when she finally dragged her eyes from the page to look at him. He was all confidence. The personification of a casual presence. His hair bounced somewhat with each slow step, and she couldn't help but think of a shiny, blond cloud each time she looked at it. He glanced around the room nonchalantly, in a way that looked like he was strolling around an art gallery examining the paintings, before his eyes fell on the rest of the books piled upon the small table at Estela's side. He picked one up and opened it with a bit too much force.

"Break the spine of one of my books and I'll break yours."

He gave her a steady grin as he closed the book with a snap.  "You really do hold a sharp tongue and heavy threats for a girl that looks so sweet."

She flashed him a honeyed smile that fuelled her sweet image. "Looks can be deceiving."

He looked her up and down in a way that unnerved her. He didn't examine her in a boyish way, though, but rather in an investigatory manner. "They can indeed."

Those heavy eyes were set on her. They were the kind of eyes that would be dangerous to lonely hearts, Estela imagined. The kind that could woo you over with their seductive laziness and glimmers of green without even trying. It was lucky that Estela was in no position to be wooed.

"There's no point in you being here, you know, I'm not coming to your meeting."

"But you're the honorary eighth member of Malfoy Manor, you need to be fully initiated."

The flicker of a distant memory clouded her mind. A forest, a glowing green sky and figures draped in black. Her eyes fell to the floor.

"I was initiated long ago, and I don't wish to do the same again."

His playful expression softened somewhat as he leaned against a chair, stuffing his hand into one of his trouser pockets. "You and Riddle," he began slowly, the traces of caution evident in his smooth voice. "What are you exactly?"

Her eyes locked with his dangerously. "What are we? We're nothing."

"Nothing?" he repeated. "Then why has he brought you here?"

She surveyed him before she spoke. She wasn't fooled by his casual movements and his alluring looks. She sensed that Alden was sharp and clever underneath his laid-back exterior.

And that made him dangerous.

"Why don't you enlighten me? What do the Death Eaters have planned for me this time?"

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