Chapter 27: Of Past and Passion

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Chapter 27: Of Past and Passion

The manor was cold as she walked through its rooms, the distant sound of rain hammering against the windows in a melody of liquid menace, but the cold didn't bother her right now. She had too much on her mind, not to mention the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Everything always seemed to fall on her. Everything always depended on her. People always wonder what it's like to have the fortune of the world on your back, well Estela knew exactly what that felt like. She had done since she was seventeen.

There were too many heavy thoughts in her head. She could be the key to Tom's downfall. She wasn't born for such a burden - but now it was all that her life consisted of.

She had never wanted to be a part of this quest – this twisting, winding, treacherous path that could lead her in any direction and throw her off a cliff at any moment if she took a single step in the wrong direction.

She'd been thrown into the deep end at a time when she had been too young and too foolish to truly consider the consequences or truly think of what she was getting herself into. And she'd never dreamed it would end up like this.

And now she had no idea what to do.

She wanted to fight for what she believed in – for the good of the Wizarding World. But at the same time she couldn't betray the one who might potentially destroy it. That could make things worse.

Because she knew that Tom cared for her in his own twisted way, but she also knew that he'd never stop his plans just for her.

Some people would call her incredibly stupid, others would call her incredibly brave for all that she was doing and all that she had done. She had given up everything – her friends, her family, her future, to save the Wizarding World, which is what she convinced herself she was doing. But honestly, what was she doing? What progress had she truly made?

But whatever progress she had made, or would make, she knew now that her fate had been sealed. Her story had already been written. And she was certain, good or bad, it would be one for the history books.

She was walking through the library in order to get to Tom's chambers when she froze – and it wasn't because of the cold. Something was different. Something was new. Something had changed. And she spotted it immediately.

Malfoy Manor's library was impressive – it was any booklover's dream – there were shelves upon shelves of books that rose up from the ground and soared to the high ceiling. It was magnificent, but it wasn't what had caught her eye this time.

Where there were no bookshelves, paintings and ornaments adorned the walls, and the library's latest piece of art caught her attention at once.

A painting that could have covered an entire wall in an ordinary wizard's house was hanging dead centre right in front of her. A man she instantly recognised somehow, despite the fact she had never seen a picture of him so young before. It was a grand painting of a handsome young man who could have been no older than 25 standing proudly in the centre of a large chamber. He wore long, emerald robes adorned with fur and gold, and had a distinct golden necklace hanging around his neck. A necklace engraved with the initial 'S'.

"Impressive, isn't it?" came a voice from the darkness. "Salazar Slytherin has always been a hero figure of mine."

Estela turned, and there, leaning against the library door with a glass of wine in hand was Abraxas Malfoy – his platinum hair glowing – his pale eyes probing.

"Finally found your way out of the dungeons, did you?" Estela asked him coolly, despite the fact he had very nearly made her jump out of her own skin.

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