Chapter Sixteen - Alberto

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"Oh my god, Leila!" Alberto yelled as he tried to get out of Lorenzo's men's grasp.

"Who is this?" Demetrio asked. Anger is evident in his voice, making me question why.

"He was the one who helped me escape," I replied, looking gratefully at Alberto.

Lorenzo then told his men to let him go and Alberto ran to me and hugged me.

I hugged him back.

"I was so worried. I didn't know if you made it to the Gonzalez's or not," Alberto said.

"Didn't Giovanni tell you? He knows that I am with them," I asked in confusion after we broke the hug.

"No, he didn't. For some reason, I feel that he's onto me," he said. "So, how have you been? Are they treating you well?" he added, looking at Demetrio and Lorenzo when he asked the second question.

I glanced at Demetrio only to find him looking at me and indirectly telling me not to tell Alberto about my pregnancy.

I wasn't going to tell him, not because I didn't trust him, but because I didn't want Giovanni getting any information out of him if something happened.

"I have been good and yes, they are treating me very well, just like you said they would."

"I am glad to hear that," he said with a nod.

Lorenzo cleared his voice before saying, "Since you are the last of his men to stand, you will send that son of a bitch a message."

"And what would that message be?" Alberto asked.

"You will tell him that it isn't over and that if he didn't stop buying weapons from the U.S., I will personally come to Italy and kill him and every member of his mafia and family."

"That's optimistic, but trust me, Giovanni is no coward," Alberto said.

Alberto knew Giovanni very well because he was once his best friend--before he knew what Giovanni did to me.

"Well, Alberto, I am not a coward either," Lorenzo said with a smirk.

When Lorenzo's men finished loading everything back to their own trucks, we left. Alberto stayed behind and he insisted on getting shot in the leg so it would become believable when he tells Giovanni what happened.

When we arrived at the house after making sure no one was following, Demetrio and I went directly to Lorenzo's office.

This mission was strangely fast and easy, making me wonder if it was a setup. I didn't think of it then because seeing Alberto distracted me, but again, maybe I was paranoid because I knew how cunning Giovanni was.

"The mission was a success. My men told me that the shipments were weapons and strangely, one box had two missiles."

"Missiles? Why would they buy missiles?" Demetrio asked.

"I don't know, but I feel Giovanni has a bigger agenda - bigger than just buying weapons."

"Me too..." Demetrio trailed off.

"Anyways, we'll discuss that later. For now, I need to maximize security at the house."

"Okay," Demetrio replied.

When we went back to our rooms, Demetrio entered mine without saying anything.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I saw him sitting on the bed. The scene felt like a husband coming back home tired, wanting his wife's comfort.

He sighed as he laid back and placed his arms under his head and closed his eyes.

"I am just tired, Leila."

"Then go be tired in your room," I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

My heart was on the verge of dying because I was so nervous about being alone with him. Not only that, but we were alone in a bedroom and my hormones were all over the place.

He sighed again and opened his eyes to look at me.
"Three weeks left to know the gender," he said, making me look at him like he grew two heads.


"Come here," he said.


"Come here, Leila."

Damn his voice...

I slowly walked to him and sat in front of him on the bed. He looked down at me with half-opened eyes and said, "You were so sexy today, holding a gun and killing that man."


He shouldn't be saying things like that.

"Sexy? I killed a man."

"A bad man."


He rolled his eyes and smiled, absolutely not caring that I felt guilty about killing that man.

"Just know that the man you killed was going to kill you or me."

"I know..." I pouted and looked at my lap.

"Come here," he said for the third time, extending his arms and waiting for me to take them.

I did.

He hugged me tightly, placing one hand around my waist and the other on my belly.

"It's getting a little big."

"Gee, thanks."

"I like it."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, you're beautiful either way," he said looking at my lips.

I knew what he was thinking and I knew that nothing should happen.

When he was leaning in, I quickly backed away.

"I-I think I need to take a shower," I stuttered as he looked confusedly at me.

Disappointment passed through his features as he gently nodded. I felt very bad but that's what had to happen. Nothing between me and Demetrio should happen, especially when Giovanni was still hunting me.

After Demetrio left the room, I took a long bath because I and the baby needed it.

I felt so selfish and I didn't know why. There I was taking a bath, pregnant, eating, and sleeping at the Gonzalez's, while they take care of me for no hidden motive. I didn't even know how I was much of a help with Giovanni's case.

I know that I couldn't offer them anything, yet they were so kind to help me. Well, Valeria was so kind to help me.
But still, I am sure Lorenzo cares for me, even if a little. Demetrio on the other hand feels more.

I couldn't get the almost happening kiss out of my head. I wished I gave in but again, it would only harm him. I was sure that sooner or later, I'd leave and never come back.

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