Chapter Thirty-Three - Adam

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"Danny is shot! We need to get down there ASAP!" Rio shouted as he strolled into Lorenzo's room, with me following behind him.

"What happened?" Lorenzo asked, standing up from his seat and with a worried look on his face.

Rio walked further into the room and stood in the middle. "He was following Giovanni and was caught. It turned out that there was a guard in hiding, making sure there wasn't any threat to Giovanni. He caught Danny and shot him in the stomach."

"Why the fuck would he go alone?"

"He didn't listen. I told him not to go alone and to wait for me, but he didn't listen, motherfucker."

"Let's go," Lorenzo said, walking out of his office with Rio trailing behind him.

"Rio!" I called after him. He stopped and turned around. "Take care, please."

"Don't worry, my love." He kissed me on the forehead and left.

I was left alone with Valeria and Dalilah, who finally came home after a week of traveling with Adam.

When she came back yesterday, a day after I knew that my parents were Callie and Mateo, she apologized again for what happened with Angelica and was sorry for how she treated me at first.

I was never mad at her because it wasn't her fault and she didn't do anything to me. The only thing she did was not say anything, but again, I didn't expect her to because Angelica was her sister-in-law.

"By the way, Leila, can we talk?" Dalilah said for the second time since she came back.


We walked to the backyard. The weather was chilly, just the way I liked it. We walked while she started the conversation.

"So...Adam told me today about what happened," she nervously said. "I...I can't believe's like a miracle."

"Why do you think it's a miracle?" I asked, furrowing my brows in confusion.

I did think it was a miracle but only for me. Why would it be a miracle for her?

"Because Adam never forgot about you. He talks about you every single day. I know he wasn't...the nicest to you, but it was because he doesn't know you," she explained.

"Dalilah, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but Adam never forgot about Anna and not me. Anna was a one-year-old baby who was kidnapped. Also, he still doesn't know me. Me turning out to be Anna doesn't mean that he knows me now because he doesn't."

"Look, I know that I don't know how you are feeling...but why aren't you happy about having a good family? And I don't mean to be blunt or rude, I am just curious."

"It's not that I am not happy. It's just that I don't know what a family is. The family who took care of me didn't treat me well. That made me not trust anyone. I didn't even trust Lorenzo or Valeria at first. Yes, they were nice to me, but I always thought that at any moment, they might get rid of me. It is just who I am now and I need time to let go of my past," I explained.

"I get it...and I fully support your decision. I just hope...I just hope you would give Adam a chance to talk to you. He really wants to apologize but is scared of your reaction."

"Well, he won't know my reaction if he didn't try."

* * *

In the evening, Lorenzo and Rio were back. Thankfully, nothing happened when they went to take Daniel from the scene. The only downside was that Giovanni was long gone and would probably hide somewhere that would be hard for us to find. The only place I could think of was Italy. I was 50% sure that Giovanni would go back there because he had an army behind him.

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