Chapter Twenty Three - In Captivity

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It was as if escaping from Giovanni a few months ago was a dream that I was awoken from.

I had been back in Italy for two days and it couldn't have been worse.

This time, I was pregnant and my bump was visible to the naked eye. I knew that Giovanni knew I was pregnant, even before I came back. Someone had told him and I was sure it was Angelica.

And I was right.

He told me when I arrived here. That was the first thing that came out of that bastard's mouth.

I was sitting on my bed, hugging my knees, as I rock back and forth. Tears ran down my face as I waited for Giovanni to come, knowing exactly what he was going to do to me.

I tried to occupy myself with thoughts about Demetrio and it worked.

I was in my bubble, just me and Demetrio, doing god knows what. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't hear the door opening, not until I was harshly yanked by my hair.

"Answer me!" Giovanni yelled.


He didn't answer me and instead, took me to the bathroom and pushed me until I fell on the floor. I made my belly missed the hit as I supported myself with my hands.

"Shower. I want you to be ready for tonight," he said.

"What's happening tonight?" I asked in confusion as fear swarmed my insides.

"Tonight is the night where you will be my stress reliever," he smirked.

"You're sick!" I yelled, earning a slap on my face.

"Talking back at me right now? What else have they taught you-fucking bastards. I will kill them all," he said.

I wanted to talk back at him but kept my mouth shut because I was too afraid he would do something to my baby.

"If you listen to me and do what I say, your baby lives, but if you defy me, I will kill this piece of shit just like I killed the previous one!" he yelled before turning around and leaving.

I was a crying mess. I had lost hope, even though a small part of me knew that Rio was coming and knew that he will never leave me here.

I wondered if he reached out to Alberto or not. I hadn't seen Alberto yet and I had hoped nothing happened to him.

Coming back to reality, I hurriedly undressed and hopped into the shower.

The last thing I wanted was for Giovanni to strike me again, this time hurting my baby.

I looked down at my bump and smiled. How beautiful would my girl be?

I hadn't even thoughts of names yet and I didn't want to choose one without Rio.

Despite the little time we got to know each other, I felt that he was the guy that I have been waiting for all my life.

I had said similar things about Giovanni, but the difference was that with Giovanni, I didn't feel 100% sure. I didn't admit it then, but after what I lived because of him, I could certainly say that whatever I felt back then, was a lie. A lie that I convinced myself just to have someone in my life, especially when I didn't have a family.

I was alone and scared. He was the only one interested in me, which I later found out why, but still, I thought that he loved me, but rather he loved having a property. The property is me that my father sold to Giovanni.

When I finished my shower, I wrapped a towel around my body, and when I left the bathroom, Giovanni was already waiting for me in the bedroom-naked.

* * *


"Dalilah!" My mother yelled as she ran to hug my sister.

Dalilah was in a bad state, not physically, but emotionally.

"Baby, what happened?" My father asked as he caressed her cheeks.

"I was out with Angelica," Dalilah started, sobbing.

"W-We were shopping... and then she...she apologized, and all of a sudden, I was in a van, handcuffed."

Dalilah briefly explained but we all understood what happened.

She was a crying mess and the urge to protect her came to me.

I wanted to kill Angelica and break every bone in her body...fucking bitch.

"I will kill her!" I said as I turned around to leave but my father stopped me.

"Rio! Wait!"

"You cannot stop me, dad!" I growled in anger.

"I am not stopping you. Angelica will get her punishment, but we need to talk to Mateo. I am sure he doesn't know, not even Adam knows."

"Fine," I said angrily.

"They took Leila?" Dalilah asked and my mother nodded.

That made Dalilah cry even more. "How could Angelica do this?" she asked, tears still dripping from her precious eyes.

I walked toward her and hugged her tightly. "I am sorry this happened."

"I am sorry Leila is gone."

"It's not your fault, it's fucking Angelica."

"I still can't believe she did that. Callie and Mateo will lose it when they find out and don't let me start on Adam. I cannot imagine what he'll do when he finds out," my mother said.

"Adam is in Spain and doesn't know anything. I just hope no one tells him before he gets here or else, he'll go insane," Dalilah said.

"We'll make sure he doesn't know, honey. Don't worry," my father said as he took out his phone and dialed Mateo's number.

Well Angelica, now you're dead.

* * *

The Enemy's Ex-Wife (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora