Chapter Nine - Stress

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For the next few weeks, Valeria insisted that I go to the doctor to get a check-up. The problem with that was that I had to go with either Lorenzo or Demetrio because they were the only ones that could protect me, which was why I was sitting on the waiting chairs with Demetrio, waiting for my doctor to call me in.

I wanted her to come with me because I didn't want to be with Demetrio alone, but she and Lorenzo had to visit Martinez's house with their daughter Dalilah to discuss wedding stuff.

Part of me wanted to know if my baby was okay and hear his or her heartbeat, but another part wanted to postpone that for later. I didn't think that I was ready, despite my wanting to have the baby.

I still couldn't believe how dumb I was to believe that Giovanni could change. I always knew that everyone deserved a second chance, but sometimes, cutting the person off without giving them a second chance is the only solution, and I learned the hard way.

"Are you nervous?" Demetrio suddenly asked, starting a conversation.

"A little," I replied.

"It's going to be okay," he said with a nod, making me narrow my eyes at his sudden kind behavior.

"What?" He asked once he saw me looking at him with an expression that screamed, 'are you okay?'

"You're acting weird," I said.

"Because I comforted you?"


"Sorry, I'll never do it again," he said, rolling his eyes.

The nurse called my name just in time before it got more awkward. I gently stood up and walked to the room that she pointed at with Demetrio following behind me.

I strolled inside the room and the doctor told me to lay on the long operation-like chair.

"Hello, my name is doctor Eva. Please lay comfortably and tell me whenever you feel not."

I nodded and made myself comfortable on the chair but was still nervous. I glanced at Demetrio only to find him looking at me with a soft look.

Doctor Eva wore her gloves and started checking me up. My eyes instantly went to the monitor where the picture of the baby would be shown. My eyes watered one the doctor showed me where the baby is.

"When can we know the gender?" Demetrio asked.

The doctor smiled and said, "Well, she's 8 to 9 weeks pregnant. We could probably know when she's 16 or 18 weeks pregnant."

"That's a long time," Demetrio said with a frown, making me contain my laugh.

I haven't yet said anything because Demetrio was doing all the talking as if I was pregnant with his child. How I wish that was true...It would be better than being pregnant with Giovanni, but that's not important. What was important was that the baby is healthy and okay.

"Enjoy every moment of it because the days will fly by and the next thing you know, she's giving birth," the doctor said. "I am happy to say the baby is very healthy. Make sure to eat nutritious food and take care of your health," she added.

I nodded and thanked her.

We left the hospital and drove to the house. Demetrio looked nervous for some reason ever since we left the hospital.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He looked at the rearview mirror and said, "I think someone is following us."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Ever since we left the hospital."

I looked through the side mirror and saw a black SUV without a license plate following us, matching our speed. The windows were tinted dark so I couldn't see who was inside. But I noticed the window rolling down and a hand holding a gun stretched out, pointing the gun toward us.

"Be careful!" I yelled and Demetrio jerked the car to the left, saving us from the bullet. He sped and tried to lose the car, but the car was speeding as well.

Once we arrived at a two-sided road, Demetrio jerked the car as if there was a U-tern, and drove the opposite side, leaving the SUV on the other side, getting stuck between the cars.

"We lost them," I said, looking behind, making sure that we did.

"We need to go to the warehouse."

"Why?" I asked.

"If we go home, we might put them at risk. I still don't know if there's anyone following us or waiting for us somewhere."

"Okay." I nodded.

We drove to the warehouse and Demetrio informed Lorenzo of what happened. I was certain that the car following us was Giovanni's doing, and that made me anxious and scared. He was so close to me that he could get to me any minute. I needed to get out of there as soon as possible before anyone gets hurt because of me.

"You need to stay here at the warehouse," Lorenzo announced.


"Because Giovanni is close and h probably now knows the location of the warehouse. I want him to attack here and not at my house."

"You're right, but I think I should leave, it's better for everyone. I didn't think this through. I put everyone at risk."

"Even if you leave, he knows that we helped you and will get revenge. So it doesn't matter whether you stay or leave because he'll attack," Lorenzo said, making my face fall.

I knew that I wasn't important to them, after all, he was helping me because his wife told him to. She pitted me. But hearing that at that moment hurt me because at that moment, I knew that I didn't have anyone, anyone to care about me.

"Fine, I'll stay here, but we need to be ready when he attacks because the Giovanni I know, will not back down without a huge fight and getting what he wants."

"Well, apparently you don't know us, but we don't back down either, and we always win," Demetrio said with a smirk.

I nodded hesitantly and one of Lorenzo's men took me to a room that I will be staying in just for a few days. I didn't like the idea at all, especially since I will be living with a lot of men and away from Valeria, but I knew that it was for the best.

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