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8:45 am, Sunday

It was a rather dull day for Sunday. While others were supposed to sit in their homes and be couch potatoes, things were at odds with me.

"I am tired."

So damn tired. I whined like a baby, but then there wasn't much to do when you are in your early twenties, and everything in your life feels like the first set of teeth you owned- crooked, plagued with cavities, and screamingly temporary.

"You always say you're tired, but that's not how you pay the bills, gal."Roms chuckled.

"How's it going with Kade?" I asked, nearly burning my tongue with the coffee.

"Pretty cool. He is just so sweet. We went to this awesome place and then watched stars together. It was lovely. " She said, dreaming about her lover boy.

The best way to avoid interrogation with Roms was to talk about Kade. The casual chat then turned into an obsessed fangirling that made her forget about everything else in the world. It was alluring to see her talk so much about him. The only thing that kept Roms from talking about Kade was Kade himself. 

"Are you even listening?" Roms inquired, as I tapped furiously on my keyboard.

"Uh huh!" I muttered and she went on with the saga.

When she's into someone, she likes to be into them forever. That explains the severe heartbreaks. But Romilda wasn't to blame for that; her dating pool had been insanely small. The only guys who dated her before were sons of MNC founders, Corporate leaders, and their kind, and it seemed that as nasty as their fathers were in plotting out ways for their business, their sons were half not bad at playing with girls. It was a relief to a certain extent to know Kade wasn't a jerk.

"I am going to get on the roll. Gotta stop by the office."

"It's Sunday!" She chirped.

"And Will Turner is a nutcase." I added.

I went to pick up my purse from the clutter at the booth. Three espressos later, I had finally mustered the courage to turn in my office and face the wrath that awaited me. Landing a job is never easy, but thanks to Romilda's dad, I got what I wanted. When everything was going great, I just fucked it by stepping on my Tyranny's nerves, and he had made it a routine to make my life hell, in all big and small ways. 

"Didn't you just say you were tired?" Romilda scoffed.

She was irritated by my mood swings. I couldn't help them. Working for Bexley's had driven me crazy. The office hours were 9 to 9 for recruits, and as if it weren't bizarre enough, they'd put the newbies in marketing to take a few weeks off as a part of their creative leisure term or whatever policy they had. Now he had all the more excuse for Mr. Turner to keep me on my toes.

"I gotta hurry, or the CEO of Bexley will murder me. If you find me drowning under the Golden Gate bridge, you know whom to look out for!"

"Will is a sweetheart. Why would you say that?" She said with a sip of her smoothie. Sweetheart my ass.

Will Turner was only her friend. Not mine. She had been living under the impression that her friend was kinder, gentler, and a forgiving person. Unbeknownst to her, the extent of his utter cruelty bared down to a line of corporate manners to her, and in her two notes sweet chirp, she had told me- "You will come to like him as much as I do. Give him some time."

Never. Will Turner was nothing like sweet, kind or forgiving. If at all, no one knew his other side better than I did. To say people toughen up with time might be true. But was there any sound explanation for something as extreme as making a co-worker work on weekends or moving into their apartment to compensate for the collateral damage?

Deep down, I knew the secret that I couldn't bring myself to tell everyone-

'Will Turner was an egoistic, cruel beast of a human, and he was the only person I hate in the whole Universe..'

Between him and I, there was one stubborn, offensive, and power sucking word: bad blood. Tyranny Turner was a JERK. 



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