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Few minutes later

"Oh, that's your cubicle if you don't remember," Josh said as we walked into the hundred-and-fourth floor of Trivia.

The elevator opened up on a majestic common hall, styled with black and white interiors. A large teak table occupied the center of the room, surrounded by chairs and bean bags. In the corner was an espresso machine and a long queue of people who can't seem to jerk off the sleep. From my own experiences as a coffee person, I don't judge my fellow coffee addict mates because caffeine is a legit fundamental element for survival after oxygen and water. There are things that only and only a cup of coffee can do!

On the side opposite to  the wide array of glass windows was a plain, white wall with an enormous bookshelf leaning against it. Ten rows of colored spines in all sizes were stacked next to each other as they filled ten feet length of the bookshelf. The mere sight of the bookshelf fills me with nostalgia. Wasn't this my dream? To be surrounded by books forever and ever is a fantasy that only a few people can cherish.

Back in Seattle, Martha, my mom's youngest sister, and I frequently visited the Seattle Public Library. It merely started as a way to distract me when all the other kids from school went clubbing. Later on, it became a ritual. Martha had this group of nerds like me, and we formed our book club- 'Bookstas'- not an original one, but it necessarily explained what we all collectively loved. How long had it been since I last talked with Martha? My memory was a dead giveaway.

"Eva. In case you need anything, give me a knock next door." He winked and flashed his always compassionate smile.

"Eva, I am glad you're back." Josh said, and went to his cubicle, although I had no idea what part of marketing he was handling. I was happy to know that Josh felt that way about me.  However, was he always this kind to me, or was it the accident? I could feel my heart melt away at this rate. Why did I not fall in love with this guy already? As my memory serves me, I remember to have always liked him, like a lot.

At least I had a happy thought that I could work with today. Who knows if Josh's smile turns out to be something more? My head fantasized with the thought. No more dying single. 

When I was out of the bubble, reality hit me. What was my work again? I mindlessly knocked at Josh's, hoping he was not busy and still smile at me.

" How am I supposed to know what to do after three or maybe four months of binge-watching Netflix at home?" I said pleadingly, and he broke into a peal of snorting laughter.

"I am your knight in shining armor, then!" He said as his eyes smiled from his cheeks. He had freaking dimples, and it wanted to stare at him longer.

"Please be my savior, good sir!" I mimicked it in my best possible Disney princess voice I could. It didn't come out as funny as that time in theatre.

"Come, we need to check in with Amanda."Josh said I followed him out.

Was this Amanda the same one who had mood swings on the bus? Poor lady. I wonder what part of Bexley's she handled. Was she a senior editor? That would explain her lavish handbag.

"Josh, I know this is annoying, but who's Amanda again?" I asked to affirm my suspicions.

"A great person and your next best friend at Bexley's," Josh said, and I saw a faint red make its way to his cheeks.

"Oh, okay. Anything else I should know?" I asked hesitantly.

"She'll tell you when she sees you," Josh said as we stood in front of a glass door, walking down the common hall.

The carving in black paint read- 'Amanda Richards, Head of HR' as we neared the door. Okay, so Amanda the Rich was Amanda Richards, and she was Fucking head of HR 

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