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"Hey!" I said as soon as I saw Roms, sitting on the couch. She tied her hair into two pigtails and wore her usual pink pajamas.

She was reading Vogue. Why do people read these things? No two people look the same when they follow the same makeup tutorial! It was way better to go and just hit up the parlor! Her face stiffened when her attention shifted to me, and I gulped the lump in my throat. Trouble, I knew it!

"Will told me about you and Josh!" She rolled her eyes.

Who else would ruin my life more than him? Of course, I should have known.

"He should stop being a sneak! I was going to tell you, Roms. Trust me." I said, my eyes following her every move.

She untied her pigtails, stood up, and put her hands on her hips for the effect. 

I knew what was coming. Breathe, Eva. Breathe.

"How long is it going on? Who proposed whom? Why won't you tell me earlier?" Roms said. I guess that's what Law College does to you. They teach you to ask all the 'scary' questions in one go. God, how will I get out of this alive?

"Are you even listening? Answer me, now!" Roms said. 

She was angry. Maybe, enraged  was the word.

"Let me take one question at a time. Josh proposed  me. We are only going out for a week. I think he is serious about this, but I have my doubts." I said, turning breathless.

"But I am not sure about going with this, even though I like him a lot!" I said, confessing bluntly.

"Wait...Why? That's crazy!" Roms said.

"I know. No one breaks up within a week. " I said, agreeing.

"Why are you dating him then? Was he that bad in bed that you are breaking up with him?" She asked, her nose scrunched.

"Hell no! We hardly kiss!" I said, and she burst into peals of laughter.

"You are breaking up with him because you people don't kiss a lot? That's hilarious, Eva!" She said in between her snorts of laughter.

"That's not it," I said adamantly.

"Then? Is Josh gay? That's understandable." Roms added mindlessly.

"Would you even let me speak?" I said. Ugh! I can't deal with her countless questions.

"Sorry. Why did you break up?" Roms said slowing down.

"I didn't break up!" I said adamantly.

"So now you will shout at me! First, you don't tell me things, and now you are shouting at me. Why are we still friends?" Roms said as tears welled in her eyes.

"Roms, you're overreacting! You're not even listening to me. I am not shouting." I said, a little too loud.

"No, you are shouting at me! You have changed, Eva!" Roms said, and I felt myself breaking down, little by little.

I was ready to lock myself in the bedroom when the doorbell rang. To avoid other emotional outbreaks, I wiped my tears on my shirt's sleeves and turned the door open.

Blue eyes. Curly brown hair, dressed in the usual, lavish outfit of blue slacks and shirt was Mark Tiffins- the kitchen man in the whole of Fordshire and Romilda's father. Bad timing, Mark! I thought when he beamed at me, entering our apartment.

"Mark, I don't think today's a good day!" I said as we walked in.

"Nonsense, Eva! It's a perfect day than when a father meets his daughter!" He said in his heavy British accent. It was complicated. Always complicated.

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