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Athena's POV
It was a rainy night when I was coming home from work. It was 1 am. I regret saying that to Chase I will be fine walking home. I was late. I was supposed to be home by 8 pm.

Suddenly I felt like someone was watching me, I turned to see if someone was there. All I saw was a pair of red eyes looking into my soul. I screamed and ran into my house.

With the movement I opened the door I was welcomed by a tight slap on my face.

"Where were you brat?" Aunt asked "I was at the dinner," I said it in a cold voice although I was scared. I have learned that fear only makes your demons more satisfied. And I have promised myself that I will never show them fear and any weakness after all that they have done to me and I don't want them to be satisfied.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt pain in my ribs that are already broken by my generous aunt.
"I have asked something from you, you were whoring around weren't you?" she snapped at me. The word  whore got me angry " how fucking can you think that I was whoring around the only whore is here is you, I have been working to keep the roof on your head and all you do is drugs, alcohol and every week a new boyfriend" I shout at her.
She gasped because I never talked back to her "how dare you call me a whore I have taken care of you when your family abandoned you and you are calling me a whore." She shouted back at me and threw a beer bottle in my face. After realizing what she has done I started to see black dots in my version and then all I remember embracing the darkness.

I woke up from a nightmare which is technically one of my memories.

Today I feel different like I want to get ready and tell my aunt and her boyfriend fuck off which is opposite to what I usually feel.

I check the time on my phone. it is 6:30 am which is good because no one will be awake and I can go to school without any problem. I got up from my bed which is just a floor and a pillow to the washroom. I undressed and got under the shower which has only cold water that I don't mind and it helps me to think.

I always wondered why my family abandoned me? If they don't want me then why did my mother give birth to me? Was I a burden? I thought.
I got out of the shower and see myself in the mirror, all I saw were scars and bruises all over my body which is now gone nub by the cold shower.
I got dressed in:-

And wore my pendant which has always been with me, my ring that he gave me and my bracelet that Zoe gave me on my birthday

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And wore my pendant which has always been with me, my ring that he gave me and my bracelet that Zoe gave me on my birthday.

I have also put some blades and guns around my body. And make sure all my tattoos are covered with make-up.
I leave the house without having breakfast knowing that I will be late for school but who cares, the real reason why I don't want have breakfast is that I don't want to see my aunt and her lovely boyfriend.

I went to the corner of the street with my baby who was waiting for me.

Some people wonder how I got a car when I am from a poor family and think that I got some rich daddy, but that's not true

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Some people wonder how I got a car when I am from a poor family and think that I got some rich daddy, but that's not true. I work in the underground world and I work to keep the roof on my head.

Anyways, I drive to Starbucks and get some breakfast. After breakfast, I went to school where my friends were waiting for me in the parking lot. The movement I got out of my baby, I was attacked into a hug by Emma. I wince when she put some pressure on my ribs, Emma's excited face turned into a concerned face " she hurt you didn't she?" Emma ask softly "yes," I said looking into her eyes 

"Athena Selene Anastasia Brown you told me that she didn't hurt you anymore, you were lying to me." Chris gave me medicine that I drink with water, Atlas came and put his arm around my shoulders.

After that, me and my Squad go toward our lockers to take some books, when Bianca the queen bee comes toward Atlas and Chris is barely wearing anything with the other bitches of our school.
"Ohhh Atlas baby I was looking for you everywhere " she then look at our Squad and Atlas's hand around my shoulder with jealousy and said to Atlas "baby why is your hand around that bitch" Lucinda said to Chris who was standing beside Zoe "and my Chrissy boo why are you stand beside that ugly whore?"

Suddenly I hear the growl of some animal then Atlas said  " she is not a bitch" Chris continues " and she is not an ugly whore" Emma continues"the only bitch and ugly whore here is you two."
Bianca and Lucinda get scared of them and go somewhere with their bitch group. The bell rings, we all have to go to our class unfortunately, we all were in different classes saying "bye bitches" I go to my history class which was first and sit at the back of the class and i put my earplugs on and put my head down enjoying the music.

I was running in the woods away from him. He is who always haunts me in my dream where I only see his beautiful green eyes that I got lost in. Whenever I embrace the darkness he comes to me, hugs me and comforts me. If someone was not treating me right I feel like he is standing in front of me to protect me. He was always in my good and bad dreams. Although I never saw him it always feels like I know him. I wonder who he is. He made me feel like I never thought I would feel. Will I ever be able to meet him outside of my dream?

I woke up when I heard someone yelling "Ms Brown!! Ms Brown!! Ms Brown if you don't wake up in 1min I will have to send you to the principal office" "what the fuck do you want?" I grumpy said "that's it, Ms Brown, you are going to the principal office" "you are saying it as if I want to be in your class bye fuckers" I said going out of the class.

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