Chapter 9: Evelyn

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I awoke, my arms reaching out blindly, as my hands searched for the soft fur of the black wolf. Instead, my hands came in contact with a smooth plush surface.

I shot up, found myself in bed, and gasped.

I was in my bed, covers on, with Kayla and Madi sleeping soundly on the floor by me. I shook as I took in my surroundings. I could have sworn that I had fallen asleep outside the night before.

I had seen a beautiful black wolf from my window and had become entranced by it. The sensation of seeing such a beautiful and dangerous creature had become overwhelming, compelling me outside.

At first, it had bared its teeth at me and I was going to run away. But then, it strangely laid on its belly and whined in submission, as if saddened to see me scared of it. Surprisingly though, the entire time I hadn't been scared. It was because of that lack of fear that I had approached it, allowing it to lick me and rest its head in my lap, all while petting its head. It had started to purr when I fell asleep.

I rubbed my temple, thinking I was going crazy.

No, I definitely saw the wolf.

I got out of bed quickly and stepped over my friends carefully. I didn't want to wake them in the early hours of the morning; the sun had barely risen. The second I was out the door, I raced down the stairs, to the front door. I went to the coat rack and found my beige trench coat hanging exactly as it had been the day before. I pinched my eyebrows together, finding myself at a loss for words. Hastily, I made my way into the mud room. I found my boots neatly lined up exactly as I always left them. My breathing grew heavy as panic overtook my senses.

Was I hallucinating? Dreaming?

"Is something wrong?"

I shrieked, jumping into the air as I looked at Maximus.

"Oh, you scared me," I gasped, holding a hand to my chest.

"Sorry," he apologized, hands held up in an act of surrender.

"Is something wrong, though?" he asked again. The room suddenly felt small as he stepped in, walking towards me slowly.

"Oh um- nope," I scratched my head. "I was just checking my shoes were still there..."

He gave me a firm look and crossed his arms. I was suddenly made all too aware of his intimidating demeanor and physical strength. Yet, I was weirdly at peace in his presence rather than nervous. Despite my calm, I also knew I was a horrid liar and decided to concede to offer a half-truth.

"I just had a weird dream last night that I wore my shoes out," I shrugged my shoulders. "I was just checking they were still here and I didn't leave them in the forest or something," I laughed.

He stared at me with an intense gaze before cracking a sly grin, "Good thing it was just a dream then."

I frantically nodded before pushing past him and heading towards the staircase. I paused at the bottom as I held the knob and looked at him, "Thanks for checking on me..." I smiled and met his ice-blue eyes, "but get some sleep."

I ran up the stairs before he could respond. Opening the door to my bedroom, I saw Kayla and Madi already awake.

"Where," she yawned, "were you?" Madi asked, rubbing her eyes.

I rubbed my neck, "Just checking on something!"

I shot them both a smile as a playful grin crossed Kayla's face.

"Not someone?" she asked with a raised brow.

"I-er-uh-" I paused looking between my friends frantically as Kayla wiggled her brows and Madi tried to stifle a laugh.

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