Chapter 20: Maximus

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I led Evelyn through the halls of the Packhouse. Her hand gently held my fingertips. As we passed through, I pointed out each section and what purpose it served. I grinned at Evelyn's precious expression, brows narrowed in concentration and head bobbing as she listened intently to what I said. She was so dedicated to being a good Luna.

Goddess, I am blessed.

After showing her the majority of the house we came to the guest corridor. It was completely void of people, as I had ordered, except a few wolves at the end who stood guard. Walking up the guest room door, I smelt the children and heard hushed whispering. I turned to Evelyn and took her small hand and captured it in my large one.

"Inside, there are two children. Both were found as rogues who crossed the border. I've heard the girl is a bit... combative. We haven't been able to have her let anyone near her," I told her. "Gamma Xerxes..." I motioned behind her to Kaleb who had been waiting on my command. He stepped forward like a soldier, back straight as a board.

"... will stand guard in the room. All I need you to do is see if you can get them to open up. Find out why they came here and who and where their parents are. Okay?" I asked her.

I hoped I wasn't overwhelming her. A lot had been thrown at her in such a short period of time. But, I needed her help. If anyone could get a child to open up, it was Evelyn. I had seen her gentle nature with children at hand. She was like a lulling melody to them. They seemed to naturally flock to her, one of many attributes that naturally made her an excellent Luna.

Evelyn nodded and gave a lopsided grin.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

I lifted one of her hands and gently kissed her knuckles.

"Get me if-"

"-if I need anything," she cut me off and playfully rolled her eyes.

I sighed knowing I must sound like a relentless mother hen. I simply worried about her.

"I will, I promise," she assured me. She stood on her tiptoes and pecked my lips, a rush of heat passing through me at the contact. "Now go, get to work," she scolded me, giving me a light push. In honesty, the push wasn't hard enough to even make me budge, but I obliged her and moved with a chuckle.

Then, I shook my head and smiled, walking down the hall. Each step was painful, having newly marked her, my usual apprehension slightly diminished and yet heightened all in the same. I wasn't scared to leave her anymore, but instead, I just didn't want to leave her. She was my other half, and it was as if I was ripping it away by leaving her. I looked over my shoulder a few times, checking she was okay. Gamma Xerxes stepped closer to her to speak with her and made eye contact with me. I watched as Evelyn stuck out a hand for him to shake.

"Don't you dare," I mind-linked him. My gaze narrowed at him and I saw my mighty Gamma reveal an inch of fear in his eyes.

I smirked knowing he would listen as I turned down the hall. I wove through the massive building, going down a large flight of stairs to the second, and then the first level. Passing through a corridor, I came up to a large silver door. It was the only silver on all of the pack's land. Delta White stood outside it waiting for me.

He bowed his head and muttered, "Alpha," in greeting.

"Status report?" I asked him.

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