Chapter 22: Maximus

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I brushed a hand down my face and grunted. Papers were spread across my desk in disarray. They were paired with photos and files stacked high. I had done nothing but work my ass off the last few days, carefully trying to piece together the puzzle of the rogue attacks. But, I wasn't alone. Evelyn had been tirelessly helping me day in and day out, spending time with Mira and Miles, trying to help us find answers.

I looked up, hearing the soft patter of footsteps from outside the door and the sweet smell of roses and fresh cotton.


I smiled to myself and walked to the door, hearing a small tap sound.

"Hi, sweetie," I glowed at her, opening the door. She smiled up at me, a plate and coffee in hand. My eyes roamed the plates of food greedily, her thoughtfulness always exceeding what I thought was possible.

I pecked her lips, my hand gently squeezing her hip, before taking the plate and coffee out of her hands and setting them on my desk. I sat down in my chair, my brain racing as I looked at all the files. I huffed again, running a hand through my hair.

"How is the progress going?" Evelyn's sweet voice asked me. She walked around my desk and stood beside me, gently placing a hand on my shoulder. I reached my arm out, snaking it around her waist and pulling her closer beside me. The reassuring flow of energy at our contact grounded me, the warmth of our bodies' closeness seeming to slow my anxiety. 

I pointed to a file labeled:  Francesca H. Wilder. 

Evelyn picked it up, casting me a questioning glance as of asking if she could read it. I almost wanted to chuckle at her. She hadn't seemed to realize yet that all I had was hers. We were partners, she deserved to know every inner working of my life. I nodded at her.

I watched as her eyes scanned the contents of the file, eyebrows scrunched. I had read the file over maybe a hundred times and knew it like the back of my own hand. A photo of a young Fran was in it, along with a new one. The photos a contrast between young and old, happy and angry.

"What do you know about her?" Evelyn asked me, gaze still fixated on the file. Memories of my interactions with Fran, the woman who thought me a murderer flooded my mind, making my blood run cold.

"We know she believes I am somehow culpable in the death of her family and her Alpha and Luna," I spoke softly.

Evelyn broke her gaze away from the file to look at me, the studious expression on her face making way for one of compassion. Her eyes softened and she tenderly reached her fingers out to brush some hair out of my face. "Why would she think that?" she seemed to whisper.

I took in a deep breath and sighed, "I was there the night of the fire. But Ev," I paused and looked at her, my body tensing, "Ev, I was six years old when that fire happened. I had nothing to do with it."

She scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion, an adorable expression she often had when she was deep in thought.

"It's alright though," I assured her, I gently rubbed her back, "The Alpha of Evergreen... the last surviving member of the Oak family is coming to visit. Hopefully, he can help us find the source of this absurd accusation."

She slowly nodded before offering a small smile and kissing my forehead. Then, she leaned her head on top of mine. "Yeah," she answered, "I'm sure he will help bring us answers."

I turned my head to look at her, and she lifted her head. Swiveling my chair so I was facing her, I rested my hands on her hips.

"What about the kids?" I asked gently, "Anything more useful they've told you?"

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