Chapter 24: Maximus

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I shot up in bed eyes scanning the room.

What is going on?

"Uhuhuh," shaky rattled breathing broke out beside me.

I looked at Evelyn's sleeping form with wide eyes. She was shakily gasping in her sleep unlike anything I had ever heard from her.

I reached out a hand to shake her awake but the second my hand came into contact with her skin I flinched away.

Scorching hot.

Her skin was searing in temperature.

"Evelyn," I spoke, reaching out again to shake her awake.

She didn't respond, only continued to turn side to side with deathly sounding breaths.

"Evelyn!" I shouted shaking her harder this time. I realized her skin was drenched in sweat.

I jumped out of bed to turn the light on, rushing over to her side of the bed. Her entire body was rattling, her skin pale and yet scorching red all over, all while she sounded as if she was suffocating.

My stomach dropped, a fear overtaking me that I hadn't felt since the night she fell beneath the ice.

Except this time, I was more scared because I had no idea what was going on.

The door swung open and Gamma Xerxes stood there eyes wide and only in a pair of sweatpants.

"Alpha what-"

"Get Dr. Carson, IMMEDIATELY!" I ordered.

The Gamma's head hardly bobbed as he took off in a sprint.

I ran into the bathroom grabbing towels and filling the tub with cold water. I rushed back I to the bedroom, grabbing Evelyn and putting her into the tub. If I couldn't get the temperature down...

No, I couldn't think that way.

Standing up, I rushed out of the bathroom, ready to go grab ice from downstairs when Alpha Oak stood in the doorway.

"What's going on Alpha Alexander?" he asked, tone tense and concerned.

"Evelyn- she- I need ice," I breathed out, frustrated he was blocking my path.

"I've got it," the Alpha rushed out, "stay with your mate," he motioned me to stay and then flew down the hall.

I ran back into the bathroom, kneeling by the bathtub feeling Evelyn's forehead.

"Ev," I whispered, "Ev you have to stay with me, you have to."

I can't lose you too. I can't.

"Evelyn your the only good thing I've had in my entire existence. You are the only thing that is precious to me. I c-cant I c-can't-" I began to sob into my hand, as if my palm could barricade my pain and stop the flood gates.

Fast footsteps.


Not Evelyn, no a different kind of gasp.

"Here," Alpha Oak gasped, handing me a bag of ice. He held another one in his hands and began to open it; I followed suite. We dumped them into the tub together.

I inhaled a shaky breath, looking at Evelyn's helpless and lifeless looking form. The only consolation I garnered was from the loud rickety breaths that she inhaled and exhaled.

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