Chapter 1: An Abnormal Day

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                                           FruitCupWriter29 Presents
                                             Act 1: An Abnormal Day

It was early in the Morning, You were sleeping peacefully. Suddenly your alarm went off. It startled you for a second but you shortly turned it back off.

Y/N: ugh. . . Why Can I never get good sleep.

You slowly got up and got ready, you got dressed then put a F/C hoodie on with a F/D Design on it (F/D = Favorite Design). After getting dressed, You Got your phone from where is was charging and checked the time.

Y/N: ok It's 5:50, School starts at 6:30 so I got plenty of time.

you had 40 minutes which was plenty of time so you went into your kitchen and made you F/B (favorite breakfast) and sat down with your F/D (favorite drink)15 minutes passed when you finally finished. You cleaned your plate off the made sure you had everything in your backpack.

Y/N: alright good to go.

you walked out the front door heading for the bus stop to school

(Time skip brought by a title card)

You got out of the bus walking to the school's courtyard. Some kids pushed passed you not caring, You were upset more than usual because yesterday you lost another friend. Ever since you came to this school a Popular Bully Named Mark made your life hell, If you made any friends he bullied them into leaving the school or getting the idea that he didn't want them to be your friend so they leave you. You walked past some kids and sat on a free bench, You were still getting used to knowing your classes so you decided to check the school's website since it had all the schedules. But when you opened the website, You saw something you didn't expect. It was images of text messages between you and your new friend who you lost yesterday, But the worst part was, you told him some of your secrets and they were there. You Instantly knew who had done it. The Bell Than Rung and you got to your first class, You could hear people quietly laughing to their selves and their friends while from time to time glancing at you. You though The Bully crossed the line this time an you went to confront him. You entered the classroom walking directly to him.

Mark: well, well, looks like the sad quiet kid is actually gonna speak up for once

Y/N: Why did you do that! Not only did you you bully him into doing it, you invaded me and his privacy!

you said sound a bit angry.

Mark: Hah, It what you get dumbass.

Y/N: why are you still doing this to me, just find another kid.

Mark: come closer and I'll tell you,

You moved a bit closer hesitating and then to nobody's surprise he punched you right it the eye. You were then sent to the nurse, You spent almost the entire day there as your head and eye hurt a lot, but according to the nurse apparently wasn't "to much of injury to be sent home". After finally being sent to your next class, some random students saw and a decided to do something.

R/P (random person): Hey guys looks it the quiet kid try not to get on his bad side or else!

R/P 2: oh no I think you angered him watch out!

they said jokingly, you honestly just pushed pass them and continued walking. you checked your phone and it said 2:20, you sighed in relief that you only had 10 minutes until school was dismissed. You walked outside seeing all kids waiting and hanging out. Some then noticed you.

R/P: Hey guys look, its the loner again, Lets hope they Don't own a pocket knife.

They started laughing at the joke, if you even call it one.

Y/N: can you please just not right now, School's about to be over.

Mark: sorry but we won't take a no, now You better run.

Busses then pulled up as the final bell rang, You then bolted to your bus and managed to get away as they were caught off guard by the bell.

(Time Skip for after you go home)

you were finally being able to relax at a park near your house, Glad school was done for today. You were sitting quietly on your phone until suddenly you swore you heard a noise near a bush.

Y/N: hello?

you got up about to go over there until someone showed up.

Mark: Hey Guys look! the guys such a loser he doesn't even talk outside of school.

he said laughing

Y/N: its after school Mark just leave me alone.

Mark: hah! nice joke "leaving you alone", anyways we have a fun challenge for you!

You sighed.

Y/N: what's this "fun challenge" you have for me.

Mark: The Time seems to 6pm, We want you to go into that forest.

He then pointed at the forest that your heard the weird noise from.

Mark: and we want you to spend 6 hours in there, But if you happen to get lost your gonna be spending the whole night there

Y/N: No obsoletely not!

Mark: sigh Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. After all this time you still never get the right answers. GET HIM GUYS!

You instantly tried dashing away but he had too many people with him so they easily grabbed you.


The next thing you knew you were thrown through bushed.

Mark: good luck loser! try not to get hurt HAH!

You leaned against a tree and started to cry

Y/N: can't I have one day of peace with a friend I can keep.

almost an hour past of you just looking at your phone, The Bushed were too thick to go back through so you were actually stuck there. You got up and started to walk through the forest hoping you could find an exit, suddenly you were shaken by a loud female scream that made the group shake a little bit.

???: JUST DIE!!!!!!

You then heard what seemed to be someone jumping and a portal closing, You then peeked around a tree to see a blue haired girl leaned against a tree looking like she was crying. You slowly approached.

Y/N: excuse me, are you ok?

???: Huh!

end chapter

(A/N: Hey Guys Hope you liked the revamp of chapter 1, chapter 2 revamp will be worked on shortly.)

(1031 words.)

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