Chapter 10: Night With A Goddess🍋

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(A/N: Alright! Lets get this over with! . . . also this is basically a Milestone Chapter)

                                               FruitCupWriter98 Presents

                                      Season 2 Act 3: Night With A Goddess

(A/N: Alright, so I know the last line of chapter 8 was indicating a lemon, But Imma rewrite some stuff to expand this chapter out.)

You Walk out of the bathroom stretching.

Sonic.exe: S-so uh. You ready for b-bed?

You heard her say almost stuttering on her words.

Y/N: Uh yeah.

You then walked over to her bed and hugged her.

Y/N: I love you, and your new look Sonic.

Sonic.exe: Heh Thanks sweetie, uh can you lock the door please.

Y/N: Oh uh sure.

You then walked over to the door and locked it. You then walked back to Sonic.exe and got into the bed  laying next to her.

Y/N: Finally, after a long like 12 hours, we can sleep.

Sonic.exe: Listen Y/N I'm feeling a bit off.

Y/N: Are you ok?

You turned to see Sonic.exe's Eyes now full hearts, glowing a bit brighter.

Sonic.exe: I hope your not ready to end the night just yet, because  I feel a bit warm in my lower body~

She said to you breathing heavily. You began to blush and feel uneasy.

Y/N: Are you ok?

She then started giggling while proceeding getting on top your laying body.

Sonic.exe: Oh honey heh, I more than ok. I . . . I  . . . . I need you to help me with something~

She said with a joyous tone

Y/N: Are you sure your ok? You look a bit different-

Sonic.exe: I WANT YOU Y/N!~

She said panting.

Sonic.exe: Ever since my form changed I've been fucking! wet and horny! I know you didn't want to take things too far too fast, but I Can't Help it I need you!~

She then quickly leaned down and slammed her lips to yours kissing you. She wasn't holding back this time as she instantly shoved her tongue into your mouth now exploring inside. She began fighting with your tongue as you didn't know what to do. She instantly over powered you and began to caressing your face. You both let out small moans as Sonic.exe took your hand and placed it on her breasts. You Both pulled away for breath.

Y/N: Breath my Breath God Breath

Sonic.exe: I Moan Know

Female Human Sonic.EXE x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now