Chapter 6: Choices

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The door slammed as Daphne and the warrior left the room. The air was so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. Jaxon stared at his father, with no idea of what was going on through his mind. His wolf furious over the fact that she was sentence to the dungeons for five days.

"I'm not mating with Lily," Jaxon finally said breaking the silence in the room.

Alpha Matthew who now sat down at his desk, pinching the bridge of his nose, he exhaled he peered over to the Oracle, but she paid him no mind. Glancing at his son he knew he had to convince him otherwise. The fate of the pack and his fate laid heavily on this comprise between the two packs.

"It has already been decided Jaxon and there is no backing out," he spoke in all seriousness.

"There's just too much at stake to back out now son. We would be at war we can't afford to bring that forth not at a time like this," he explains. Hoping he could reason with his son. He knew reasoning with Daphne was a lost cause and he would have to amend that at some point and that was battle for another day. Not to mention he stilled has to face the wrath of his Beta. At this rate he didn't know which direction this was heading in.

Alpha Jaxon looked at his tired father, he looked defeated. There was a nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach that he just couldn't put his finger on. Bits of piece here and there that just weren't adding up. His focus switched over to the quiet elderly woman who seem to be watching all of this in amusement. He hadn't have met this woman before, yet his father seem to be closed acquainted with her. Leaving the question of, who is she?

She had been aiding this entire time and had also bowed down to Daphnes white wolf. Leading that she might know more about the transformation then anyone in this room.

"What do you think of all this?" He asked the elderly woman picking at her brain. He didn't want to ask the obvious question, it would be to obvious. So he went with the latter, what isn't she telling us? What is my father not telling me?

The Oracle stared at him surprise that he was addressing her. She looked side to side and then pointed at herself with her pointy finger.


Jaxon nodded his head, staring at the strange woman. She was petite maybe coming chest level and she had a limp on her left foot. It was subtly but it was there as she'd grip her staff tighter when she'd walk. She had thin graying hair that flew all over her face, she made no attempts to tame her wild hair. What Jaxon couldn't figure out was what she was? She wasn't human, but she wasn't a werewolf either. She had no scent to her, none that was distinguishable to him or his wolf. She knew of the supernatural world otherwise why would she be standing next to his father?

The Oracle clapped her hands, gaining a groan from his father who quickly sent the elderly woman a sharp glare.

"I'm so glad you asked Alpha! I can call you Alpha yes? It's not going to cause a conflict of interest and get me tossed in the dungeon? You know because of old age I just wouldn't be able to handle such tiny confinements-" she babbled on before getting cut off by my father snarling in her direction. The vein popping on his forehead.

"Oof tough crowd, someone didn't have their cup of tea before-going-all-big-Bad-Wolf," she huffed at my father.

Alpha Matthew instantly regretted having the Oracle sit in. If he could dispose of the witch who pricked him like a thorn to his side he would've done it, never looking back at the old hag. As everything he had done had been advice from the Oracle who warned him of a Great War. He need her to be his left hand, to advice him to avoid the war all together and to get back the thing he lost. He had no choice but to suck it up and tolerate the old hag. He needed too so he could put an end to the brewing War before it even started. He could feel the upcoming headache pounding at his skull. Whiskey, he needed a drink and a strong one.

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