Prologue- Sinister Evil

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I stare into their dull brown eyes, staring back at me with a blank stare. They showed no emotion, but behind those eyes pain reside in paradise, living in the thrill while its host was at its mercy to its torture. It was a fresh wound, vulnerability and betrayal mingled together a dangerous combination. The two were like deadly atomic bombs, tilt the scale too much one side and an explosion is bound to happen.

I sat comfortably in the chair in the darkest corner of the shitty motel. It reeked of piss, cheap sex and death. My legs sat nicely against one another crossed over swaying slightly as I contemplated the situation. The moon shined through the cloudy dirty window providing the only source of light in the room. My hand slowly tapping against the chairs arm rest. They stared at themselves in the mirror, looking trying to find something, trying to find themselves as if they didn't recognize exactly who this person staring back at them is. A cynical smile dances on my face, taking a peer into their memories an invasion to this mortals life to see it through their eyes, the heartache and torture they put themselves through for another. A shiver of thrill rushed across my skin, my body was anticipating it; the feeling is exhilarating, awake, unable to control the giddiness inside me. Her soul weeped a pain she didn't recognize, a lovers betrayal to a naive soul. Dark eyes still staring at the dull brown eyes, they lacked life, drained of any signs of the person they were just a day ago. Their soul searching, always searching, but never finding what it's looking for. The answers they needed for their loved one had sin.

I could understand it, I can see how it can drive a person mad, to give yourself up, to expose yourself to that kind of threat, risking yourself of being hurt lied to and deceived. You know it's a possibility, it's the cost of love. The destruction that lays ahead of you, with two paths yet you still walked that road and now you're suffering the consequences.

"I can make it to away," I began talking into the dark silence of the room. Shadows danced behind me, witnessing in excitement waiting for their prey, waiting for the right moment to attack, waiting at my command. Jumping At the sound of my voice, dull brown eyes met mine through the mirror, I doubt they could see mine through my cloak but at this revelation, their ears perked, full attention on me now. Fear swam in their eyes, the pain forgotten at the moment as their eyes raked my being, the fear didn't leave. They always had fear wrinkle into the depths of their irises if not fear then lust. It consumed them, drowning, drowning them until they ate the bait that I placed in front of them.

"You can?" their voice quiver sounding small, barely a whisper. My grin widen, standing up abruptly the Shadows followed behind my steps, as the chair brushed the floor echoing my sudden movement. Following my movement the shadows as they danced along with my shadow as I approached the mortal. Within the borders of death and life they stayed at Bay waiting for my call.

"I can make it go away, the pain, the insecurities, the memories all of it my darling, " I whisper empathy lacing my words as I walked towards them my hips moving side to side as the heels clicked against the floor my cape flowing with each step. I stopped right in front of them, eyes waiting, anticipating my next move adrenaline rushed as I trailed a single finger up their arm coming up to cup their chin. Tilting their head forward, just a breath away, shivers prickled against their arms replacing them with goosebumps evidence of my effect on them. Licking my lips they followed the motion, eyes flickering back to meet mine. Tiny gasps escaped them as they became hypontized by my stare, slowly reeling in the weaker side of them for their strength was no longer there. Their soul moved frantically, wanting to escape my grasp, my hold on their person and my stare. Not wanting to succumb to my hands, but sin was hard to escape, harder to deny. Especially when temptation played a bigger role. Promises of sweet nothings.

I caress their face, tracing their soft features. Focusing on giving them a warm touch to trust, to fall into, but they put a fight, making my shadows dance in excitement as they witnessed my performance. I focused on the pain they felt when they had discover their Unfaithful lover, I intensify that feeling. Letting it swallow them whole, letting the shadows dip their cold touch into their hearts as a reminder, my arm never faltering. Anger, and hurt overwhelmed them slowly being replaced by hatred.

"I can give you exactly what you want, revenge, power whatever you desire," My hands continue their assaults on their face, loving the darkness that slowly seeped into their soul, the dullness of their eyes sharpening to a darker much darker shade.

"How? " They whispered a clipped tone to their voice. My grin grew bigger, my perfect white teeth glimmered. The Shadows howled in the dark, their excitement raising as they consume the room.

"It's simple my dear I kill you taking your soul from your mortal body in exchange for what you crave" I revealed, my trance still fix stated on the pain they felt. Their Guardian Angels screamed at them, trying to help them to see the brighter side, the good side. My hold was stronger than that of their angel, and the Shadows easily wrap themselves around the angel blocking its cries. Their soul more frantic than ever fought my hold, it only made me hold tighter. The thrill was getting me high, the ones that fought against me were my favorites. The chase made the high even better, watching them suffer and fight until the life disappeared from their existence the light dying from their eyes as they became one with the rest. They never got away, never.

"So what will it be my dear?" I whisper purring in their ear, kneeling in front of them. My hands touch their knees, my touch sooth their darker side giving them comfort and easing them to submit to my power and their desire. While their moral side was petrified of what I could do. I intensify, the heartaches reeling them in for the kill.

"I'll do it," they said, confidence behind their voice. My smile turns sadistic, my black eyes hinted with red now, a promising death laid ahead. I stood up, my figure taller, looming over their body, they still not being able to move. The Shadows attach themselves to me, bloodthirsty for their next meal, my nails elongated, veins prominent against my skin. Moving back, I have them stand against their will. Their soul in agony, begging for release. I move my finger, beckoning them to my side. They stopped a foot away, I lick my lips and place my palm in front of their chest reeling in their life line, sucking their soul right out of them. My magic sprouting out of my hand and absorbing their soul into my own being. Their eyes rolled to the back of their head shutting down, body collapsing to the floor as the Shadows race to their fresh meal. I close my eyes, savoring another taken Soul. Another added to my collection, another soul add to the Army. Turning on my heel I walk away letting the Shadows feast on victory. A satisfied smirk twisted my lips as I teleport myself into a dark alley. Another fallen into the depths of evil but not in vain. In due time we will take our place in this moral world.


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