Chapter 4: The Luna's Shift

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"Welcome home Luna" the Oracle announced. The pack members whispers echo through the field. The murmurs died out when they saw the Oracle bend down to one knee signaling her devotion to the Luna. Like a domino effect everyone bowed down to her. They didn't understand what was going on between their Alphas, but they knew one thing. Daphne was their true Luna.

Daphne held her stance, overlooking her fellow pack members all who now were bowing down to her. Pride swelled in her chest. Her pack members recognized and put their trust in her. She didn't know what was stored in her, but she knew she wouldn't go down without a fight. Her eyes flickered from the clearing to her mate who stood just a couple of feet from her. She could feel herself wanting to be closer, she itched to be closer to her mate. Like being blood thirst she need his touch, his touch that electrified her to her very core.

She took him in, meeting his eyes they were a darker shade of hazel, border edge of the golden specks that his wolf possessed. His beautiful eyes, she could stare into forever if she could. He went to move closer towards her and she took a step back. His facial expression shown he was hurt by his mate stepping away from him. Her wolf reminded of his betrayal to their bond, trust had been broken beyond repair and we wanted one thing and one thing only. We wanted blood.

She zone in on the female that stayed by the car. She tried to blend herself in the background to not be seen. My wolf could smell her fear emitting from her in waves, but she could also smell the intertwine scent of her mates and this females.

I gripped the ground, the soft, cold dirt crushing underneath my paws. My wolf narrowed her eyes at the female and she froze. She froze in her spot starring right into Daphne pitch black eyes never looking away.

Daphne growled a warning growl to step down, she was challenging my wolf. Whether the she wolf had known to do it or by mistake her wolf wasn't having it. She was going to put the she wolf in her place. Her eyes widen and she tried to get her wolf to submit. Yet the she wolf wasn't having any of that, I could see the inner turmoil as her eyes shifted from her baby blue eyes to the golden flecks of her wolf.

Lily watched in amazement as the she wolf transform into a beautiful white wolf. She had never seen a white wolf, those were meant to be a myth. Stories told by the Oracles to children as folk stories to pass the time. Yet her she stood seeing one shift for the very first time. She couldn't help but be envious, envious of the she wolf. How her entire being glowed and the moon reacted to her ever so subtly. If you watched closely you could see the forest reacted to her. Twisting and construing bending to her will. It was almost as beautiful as it was watching her be struck by lighting. She look fearful daring anyone to will the power of the storm as if she knew she was the only one who could call to it's power making her unafraid of the bolt of lightening that shook her form. As if she was the Moon Goddess herself possessing the power of the elements around her.

It all struck a chord when she saw the look of adoring look her mate held for the she wolf. Alpha Jaxon seemed smitten by the wolf. Her wolf growled in her head possessive over her lover. Yet she didn't dare to lash out. She was in territory she wasn't familiar with, people that she did not know. Even when she held her mates hand tighter hoping he'd stay by her side, he didn't. With a tight squeeze of what felt like reassurance to her left her with nothing but fear. Fear that this she wolf claims of Alpha Jaxon being her mate. But how could that be? She felt the sparks, she felt the bond with him. He was suppose to hers and only hers. She would not give up her mate as easily as some craze wolf claim him to hers. She bore his mark. He had chosen her and there would be nothing this she wolf could do to take it away from her even if she could survive being struck by lightening.

Lily looked at her mate who only had eyes for the white wolf in front of everyone and she knew her wolf hadn't establish a connection with his wolf. She had hoped that by her coming to his pack they would be able to finish the mate bond. To finish what she had started. She didn't mind if she had to wait. She would wait forever for him, if he wanted her to go through the Luna ceremony's she would wait for him. She felt like she had no control of her destiny now. Her mother had promised her that it would all work out. Lily wanted to scream, wanted to rip this she wolf to shreds.

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