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Through the eerie silent forest, nothing was heard. Although, the gentle cold breeze waved branches of big trees, making dead dry leaves fall off them. Not even birds were chirping and it was almost dawn.

Dry leaves rustled under her feet, giving her more bruises yet, not once did she acknowledge them or at the slightest wince. To her, it felt like she was walking on a sandy desert ground, not feeling the dry woods as they cut deep through her feet.

Smiling bitterly at how she had turned out for just one night, there was no doubt she had lost some weight. But, it was better than being secluded by the ones she called family, wondering if they were really her family.

The painful words lingered in her ears playing over and over like a mantra in her head and wouldn't stop tormenting her. There was nothing she could do to halt it as it was stuck to her.

The words were even more painful this time because he said it, everyone always says it to her but it meant nothing because she was turned immune to them. She was a living corpse after all.

Clutching her chest as the sting resumed, her knees gave in and she felt all dizzy. She couldn't even stand any longer so, she slumped by the nearest tree resting her back on it.

Face-palming herself, she closed her eyes throwing her head backwards as a bile rised up her throat. Through it all, not even a single tear fell.

Tears? They were nothing but mere salty waters. It was a wastage of precious time and stressing of the optic nerves.

Feeling herself all empty of water she managed to gather her last strength, pushing herself to stand up as she sighted a river not far from where she sat. Ignoring all the pain she felt, she walked towards it, bent down to take a drink and halted sighting the reflection she was seeing.

She forcefully averted her gaze from the painful sight with grave pain in her heart. Balanced, she took a handful of water and washed her face to her hair three times. Her long jet black hair cascaded below her shoulders stopping mid-back, it was the only thing that shielded her frail form and make her look much alive.

Hissing at her own accord, she heard ripples in the river and looked. A chick was struggling to swim as it was drowning in the water, its mother was on the other side crowing and running about. It kept throwing tantrums and all she could do, was stare at it not able to do anything. It ended up being swallowed by the water and flowed to her place. She picked the dead chick and looked at it. Her eyes: cold and empty, staring at the lifeless chick in her hand.

She felt the sun kissing her back and turned around seeing that it has risen. Somewhere in her heart, sat hope.

'Probably they might have started looking for me.'

She scoffed at the thought and looked down at her reflection again.

Suddenly a voice echoed in her, the voice that led her to do many things, that devilish voice.

'Just do it, this is your chance. End all these miseries and walk freely in the afterlife, it is much better than being punished here on earth. Remember what they always tell you_

The voice kept reminding her of the pains she had gone through, of the backlashing she had to face. Not knowing how to shut it out, she gripped tightly on her hair and rose to her feet stumbling backwards till she fell a little far from the river.

Clutching onto her hair more tightly, she let out a bone crushing scream, ran and jumped into the river. Knowing she would struggle before she completely drown, she made no attempt to save herself.

To herself, she was free from darkness.

A warm welcome to everyone here🙏😊, I hope you all arrived safely.

My name is Zainab and this as you all must have found out is my first book.

Thank you to those who followed, I appreciate.

Enjoy the ride as I take you through culture, royalty and traditions.

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