Chapter 33

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'You'll forever be my angel.'

Bizo reminisced his last words to Dosha, smiling to himself.

The woman was 'light' herself. If given the chance, he'd change her name to it. But he prefered angel to it. Even though it wasn't her real name.

Her return to the kingdom brought a significant light, one to forever be remembered. She rubbed on every aspect of the kingdom, her family and everyone in general. He hated to admit, but it felt like her absence has taken the light or so he thought. He couldn't just admit that when he has the loves of his life; his wife and children.

And there the worries came, questions asked by himself; will she be able to rule the Hausa people? He knew she was capable and strong with her husband by her side, but, there will always be naysayers.

He had been there before when he got married to Nafisa. And he was just a mere King's man who fell in love with the daughter of a family who always migrated.

According to Nafisa, she's lost count of the places she'd called home. Her family were always migrating. The Buzaye people migrated in their dozens into the Sirzakwai Kingdom two years after the bad time; after Dosha was born.

He was appointed to get their names and converse with them when his eyes caught her. She looked so weary but very beautiful, and she had one beautiful courageous smile on her face throughout. She stood by her father serving as the mouthpiece and interpreter as they spoke with Bizo.

Then, none of them knew a single word in Warji, and they were conversed with in Hausa, the little they could speak also. They were allowed to stay.

Little by little, he made sure he got any small opportunity to get close to where she stayed, claiming to be assigned for some work. They started off from there, and she also picked interest in him.

Eyes got to them, talks were being raised on how close he got to with the migrants. And when he announced he wanted to make it official between them, it became worse.

Her family were about to migrate again due to the backlashing they received from the Warji inhabitants. She then told her people that she was interested in the King's man Bizo, and would like to marry him.

His family were in support of him, he couldn't get why outsiders were more concerned than them. As long as he was alive, there hadn't been any conflict between the two tribes. Nafisa on her part bonded well with his family. After much ups and downs, they tied the knot.

It was tough for them at the beginning of the marriage, people saying he got married to one of the red-haired women. They might be sitting peacefully at home and stones and dirt would be thrown into the house premises. They would jeer at her most of the time, occasionally he would come back home to meet a red and swollen eyed wife, crying. Bizo kept mute to all, he reported to the King, but the people never budged.

He was persuaded to marry a Warji woman as a second wife, he ignored their silly advices.

They stopped their mocking act when he took laws into his hands one faithful day, a man harassed Nafisa publicly when she was newly pregnant and luckily, he was spared to tell the story. They saw they couldn't do anything to separate their marriage and then, children were beginning to get involved.

They feared Bizo, he did so much for a cursed child, he could do far more for the woman who carried his children.

People might have talks on why Rashid would marry a Warji woman, but he knew they wouldn't dare say it to his face, he was their King, and he rules, whatever he says or do is final. She was their Queen and would follow the King's commands and be protected. Therefore, he knew she was in safe and capable hands.

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