Chapter 36

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"Today has to go right." Dosha muttered in Warji to herself.

She looked at the paper in her hand, eyes darting between the sketch frame and paper, raising it up to eye level, and compared the two sketchings.

She tutted, "Should I add these or not?" She pondered on whether to add livestocks or erase it.

She gazed at the frame she made of a big farmland used for cultivating and rearing both plants and animals.

She let out a scoff, "I think I should add."

"I want today to go right." She repeated, sucking in her bottom lip. She made a quick and rough sketch of the livestocks on the paper, positioning them on different angles.

She dearly wished Bizo was present to see her work, he was the only one who took interest in it back in her Kingdom. It has been a month since her arrival to the Kingdom, and things has been going great for her. Her family had left for over three weeks now leaving her with an advice to strive for herself and her marriage.

"You are still on this I see." Magajiya's voice was heard behind her. Her heart made a quick flip, but she regained herself, not showing any form of fright. She was still getting used to how this woman appears and disappears. Still mysterious! But who on earth appears behind someone when it was barely sunrise?

"Yes," She simply replied, putting the tools down. "Ina Kwana!" She greeted.

"Lafiya kalau," Magajiya replied, "How are you?" She found an empty stool and sat beside her.

"I don't know to be honest!" She sighed.

"I can see. The issues are still bothering you?"

Dosha hummed, nodding, "That is why I want today to go right."

"This painting is beautiful, and I wish that is how a woman's life should've been," Magajiya said, "A noble's wife came to me yesterday seeking Mairo, she was battered. She offered Mairo to treat her wounds. I myself was very shocked to see what I saw. She told us her story. I can't begin to say it. It is horrible."

Her mind went to Kubrah's sad ordeal, "And I have to pass a judgement on the woman who was murdered by her husband," She tutted, "Rashid took this time not to be around." She added lightly. He had gave her permission to pass judgements on issues whether he was present or not.

"True. I wonder what she might've done to warrant a sad exit from this world. His family supports him, unfortunately. And her children are barely five years old. All innocent and novices to this harsh world." Dosha had no reply to that.

"Can I ask you something?" Dosha gave permission, "If it were to be you, what would you have done?" She paused, registering the question.

"I would be surprised, first of all, the imagination of him raising his hand to me was never there. Men rule the world and we women have to abide by that. That is why we pray for aa good husband. And honestly, I don't know what I would've done but considering my status, they wouldn't let him breath another moment," She said, purposefully removing the thought of the person being her husband, "And if I were to be a commoner it will be different. In my Kingdom, there is a court proceedings for these matters."

"We also have one here, but for some time now there weren't any cases."

She sighed, "If the King were to be present, this would've been much more easier to decide and implement new rules."

"Will you tell the women to consider a separation from their husbands?"

"Not all women like the idea and it is very hard, questions will be thrown at her and her family. The disgrace and humiliation will be much. Most women would rather be a widow than being separated from her husband. We are told to endure. But I see that the women who go for separation has had it to the brink. That is what I think. One can't possibly solve all the problem in this world, and everyone has his or her own. But I'll bring it up to hear ideas."

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