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it is the first day of school and i'm starting a new school since we have recently moved. it's a friday, just like a warm up day to school, the first full week is next week. school starts at 9 so i get up at seven to shower and everything.

after a nice long shower i blow dry my hair and straighten then sit down at my mirror and do my makeup. finally i put my uniform on, a cute navy blue plaid skirt, and a white polo, then my new white yeezys i just bought. i roll my skirt so it goes a bit past my fingertips.

it's 8:15 so that means gail has breakfast ready so i head down. she has prepared pancakes with eggs and fruit.

in the living room, amelia is playing with her american girl doll and looks up at me "phoebe!" she springs up and runs over to me. "hey am!" i say as i pick her up and spin around. i put her down back with her doll. "come eat breakfast." i say and she runs over to the big table. everyone is already sitting at the table.

"phoebe are you ready for your first day?" my mom asks

"yeah i'm excited." i respond

"matthew is going to drive you guys to school and pick you up." my dad says to me and teddy since we both go to the high school. i assume mark, brads security is driving him.

"daddy who's taking me to school?" amelia asks excitedly. "princess you don't go to school yet, you and mary are together while we're at work." her eyes go wide and start to get glossy, then a tear falls. "am, why are you crying?" i say and she looks at me and climbs onto my lap raps her arms around my neck and buries her face into my neck. i look up and see my mom start to get slightly upset that she's crying. "baby what's wrong" she asks

"why is everyone leaving?" she says softly

"mommy and daddy have work and they all have school, you love mary, don't be sad." my mom says as i rub her back

"amelia." my dad says and she looks up with red puffy eyes.

"come here." he says and she plops down and walk over with her bare feet hitting the hard wood floor and gets on his lap

"after i get home from work, and if you're a girl little girl for mary, you and i can go get your favorite pink sugar cookie." and there she is, her face lights up. "can mommy come!" she asks "i love that idea." he says and kisses her little head and she runs back next to me to her seat.

"i would like a cookie too." brad says

"i could go for one." teddy says and i laugh

"i'll bring one back for you two." my dad says

"phoebe it's 8:30 we should get going." teddy says

"k" i say and take a sip of my orange juice. "phoebe you didn't eat much." my mom says "i have a protein bar in my book bag."

"ok have a good day love you." she says "good luck guys" my dad says "love you." i respond with a laugh "love you brad!" i say with a laugh. he's in his awkward years so it's so fun to mess with him.

"don't forget me!" amelia yells "love you am!"

"c'mon phoebe matthew is our front waiting." teddy says and i turn around and make my way out of the house. i'm actually really nervous about school. i've always been the quiet one in my classes while teddy has always been the popular one with all the friends, captain of his teams. he already has a bunch of friends from workouts this summer for football. this year i have admitted myself to be outgoing and get a group of friends to hang out with every weekend.

we pull into the school and matthew drops us off at school. i find my way to my first class, unfortunately i'm one of the first there, so i just go on my phone and scroll through instagram.

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