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1 month later

i bought my kids their gifts a few weeks ago and they were excited which made it all worth it. teddy is excelling in football and i have even made it to some of the games and he's made so many friends. phoebe has been a handful lately which is out of the ordinary for her, she used to be the perfect child but it's like we never see her anymore she's always with her friends and always has an attitude not to mention every time i turn around there's always a new package at the door for her. brad has taken a real interest into baseball and he's really been loving it. and finally amelia is perfect as always, she's still my little girl.

ana and i are in the kitchen with gail ready for breakfast and then to head off to work. brad comes down with teddy and they sit at the table. ana and i join them.

"where's pheeb and amelia?" ana asks they should be down here by now

"haven't seen them" teddy says

"i'll go get them." she says and gets up


i walk to the stairs and up to phoebes room first. i knock. no answer so i walk in and find her asleep in bed.

"pheeb what are you doing, you have to leave soon." i say sweetly

"mom i'm sick." she groans

"aw baby what's wrong?" i ask as i walk over to her bed and sit on the edge

"i don't feel good." she sulk and turns over

"ok go back to bed" i say climb into her big bed and kiss her forehead and she's goes back to sleep.

i quietly exit her room and walk to amelia's

i stroll down to amelia's room and open the door and find her sleeping too. i walk over to her bed "c'mon baby time to wake up."
"mmm mommy." she whines and reaches for me so i pick her up and carry her downstairs to the breakfast table

"where's phoebe?" christian asks

"sick, she can't go to school today." i say and take amelia over to my chair and she sits on my lap with her arms draped over my shoulders as she rests on my chest.

"ana." christian says giving me the are you stupid look. phoebe said she's sick so she's sick

"i don't know what you want me to say she's sick." i brush off as i rub amelia's back.

we send the boys off to school. since christian bought teddy and phoebe their new cars, he started letting them drive themselves to school so  he drops brad off. i go upstairs to grab my birkin with amelia who insisted on helping.

"mommy can you brush my hair!" she asks as she runs to the bathroom

"ok but real quick." i laugh and walk into the bathroom with her. i brush her hair real quick and christian walks in.

"daddy!" amelia squeals and runs over into christians arms as he lifts her up. "is mommy brushing your hair?" he asks her making me smile. "mhm" she says proudly

"amelia can i ask you a question?" christian asks

"yep." she responds

"do you think phoebe is actually sick?" he asks. god he really doesn't think she's sick and he's only saying that to her to get my attention. right after he asks her he looks at me with a look.

"i don't know daddy." she responds innocently

"well should we go check?" and amelia nods eagerly. christian has been on phoebes back about being responsible and if he finds out she's faking he'll lose his shit. amelia's still in his arms and we walk down to phoebes room and find her sleeping peacefully. i knew it. she's sick. my little phoebe would never lie to me.

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