7 - Essence

245 7 12

No new warnings but this is a murder scene so...

3rd Person POV||MC's Car

"Thanks for helping me, being an inside spy and all that..." MC whispered. He drove them to the park, and checked the time.

1:42 A.M

"Faking getting stabbed is very easy, I should easily be able to get the poison from that garden. Thank you for driving." Yuri said, the knife in her pocket bouncing to her heartbeat. 

Doki! Doki! Doki! Doki!

The knife almost fell out. Yuri swore at herself, the plan would've been ruined. 

"Right. Let's get outta this car and we can get to the garden quietly." MC told Yuri, gently opening the door of the car. 

They snuck by jumping over the gate and crept to the garden. 

"Over here? How come? It isn't really next to a plant." MC asked. He slowly walked to Yuri, concerned.


She gently grabbed her knife as he looked confused. In a quick movement, he was struck down with the knife. She had stabbed him underneath the chest, and blood was gushing out. She stabbed it five more times, this time right next to his heart. Her knife was getting more and more bloody. The more she stabbed him, the more he tried to yell. She had covered his face with her sleeves, however.

"Ahahahaha! T-This was easier then I thought. Not only did you fall for it, but you...you moved c-closer to me!" Yuri laughed. It was perfect for her to hear him try to scream.

She came even closer to his face, and tilted it up with one of her fingers.

"Any last words, bitch?" Her tone of voice was happy, almost menacing. It was easy to tell that she didn't regret a single thing.

"T-Tell Natsuki I love her." MC whispered weakly, as he couldn't do anything much, it was surprising he was still alive. Yet it was a lie. A lie. His last words were lies. Yuri thought this was very funny. 

"Pft, no." 

And those were the last words MC ever heard, as his neck got slit and then chopped off. The blood fell on Yuri's face and entire body, but she didn't care. This was a golden moment. It was amazing how golden red the blood was. It running down her body made her feel alive. Even though he was most definitely dead, she couldn't help herself stabbing him more and more. It fueled her happiness. She didn't move. She liked it.

She got rid of her obstacle once and for all. This was what she wanted.

"Eh. I can dispose easily. I just need a little help. Who could help me now? Ehe?" She laughed at her joke, when it was very easy to answer. Of course, Sayori could. Sayori seemed so on board with getting rid of people who got in the way of her and Natsuki. 

"How sweet of her..." Yuri whispered.


"You wanted me to...Help you today?" Sayori asked, confused.

"Yes. This body needs help getting buried." Yuri said casually.

"On it." Sayori whispered. They had planned this a while ago. Sayori grabbed the shovel, and started digging a hole. It went very low, and while she did this, she killed a small animal passing by. Then she looked at Yuri, who had just finished cleaning up herself from all that blood.

"Ah. Now...Could you help me? You hold the head, I can hold the body." Yuri  explained. Sayori merely nodded as she went and took the head.

"Eugh. I forgot his face was so ugly...Well, head first or body first?" Sayori asked. 


The body slid down, and made a small "puh" sound. The head went next and it didn't make a sound at all. But perhaps they didn't hear it since they were six feet above it.

"You put the dirt, I'll get the ferret." Sayori muttered.

The ferret wasn't as bloody as MC, but it was still covered in blood. Sayori picked it up from it's ears just to avoid the blood. 

"That should be enough," Yuri replied, as she patted the dirt with her shovel. Sayori dropped the ferret in. Then she got the shovel.

"Blood again? Lucky, there's still water in this bottle," Yuri said, almost emptying the water bottle to get the blood off of Sayori. "And we must have to get rid of these clothes." 

She pointed out the fact that both of them had large blood stains. 

"Yeah...There we go. Seeds?" Sayori asked, bringing out seeds from her pockets.

"Of course."

The seeds dropped onto the fresh new land. Sayori patted the dirt in again, making it match more to the grass and other dirt nearby.

"Glad this is two hours away...The police won't search for us...But...Wait, how did you get here so quick?"

"Don't worry about it. I was just shopping at a place nearby, anyways, we could take my car back." Sayori cleared up. 

"And just leave MC's car here?" Yuri wasn't sure if they should keep it there.

"I mean, sure. Just because he doesn't live here doesn't mean he couldn't have just come and been murdered that way. Let's go before anyone sees us. It's already 3." Sayori confirmed. 

Yuri decided this was a good idea anyways.

They both walked, crepting and slowly, as they ran to Sayori's car. They quickly tried to drive back to their homes, but it was late and it would be 5 once they got there. Thankfully, their school had extra days off, since many teachers had important things to do, and there weren't enough subs.

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