Prologue 1 (The End)

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Two Days Before The End - TIME: 16:27

"Alright guys you've all done an amazing job today!" CJ exclaimed excitedly as she addressed the small class of children. "You know the drill, roll up your mats, grab your stuff from the hooks and we'll all walk to the lobby, okay?"

"Yes, Clara" the 7-year-olds all said in unison as they turned to walk to the back of the room where their bags and coats hung from the wall, all of them giggling and talking as they packed up.

CJ turned her back and checked her phone, and her eyebrows furrowed when she saw the small screen lit up with missed calls and texts from her older brother, Tony. Something was wrong. But she didn't have time to text back or call him when she felt a small body crash into the backs of her legs and a pair of arms wrap around her hips.

This girl, Morgan, was adorable. She always had a smile on her face and was one of the most well-behaved students CJ had ever taught. And although she wasn't supposed to have favourites, Morgan was CJ's favourite student out of all the classes she'd taught in nearly ten years. The little angel was the reason CJ did a course to learn sign language. She giggled as she knelt down to the same height as the brunette girl and was greeted with the familiar smile she loved.

"You did great today sweetie," CJ said out loud as she signed to the girl.

"Thank you," Morgan signed back.

"Let's go find your mommy, yeah?"

The girl jumped excitedly nodding her head with a big toothy grin. With that CJ let out a laugh and stood up holding Morgan's hand, leading her and the 8 other kids to the front of the building to meet their parents. Once everyone had left with a mix of thanks and goodbyes, the redheaded woman went to grab her bag from the office. 

She was the last to leave; most of her co-workers were home sick, so it was only her and a couple of people working that day. After getting her stuff, she went over to turn off the small radio on the counter. Her hand hovered over the off button when she heard what was being said.

"Civilians are advised to stay put in their homes until they are given clear instruction from the National Guard to evacuate. Small towns such as King County are already deemed unsafe..."

"Jesus," she whispered to herself. She switched off the radio and bit her bottom lip worriedly as she finished switching the lights off inside.

With that nervousness bouncing around in her mind, she headed out, locking the doors to the gym and getting in her truck.  

With her window rolled down slightly, CJ could hear the gentle lapping of the water from the river just across the street from where her truck was parked. It was something she'd always loved about living in Savannah; and something she would always miss too. 

She pulled out her phone to text Tony, letting him know she would call him back in ten minutes, and she set off down the streets to head home, noticing how eerily quiet the roads were.

Later that night - TIME: 23:12

CJ's eyes barely left the screen of the TV since she got home. Apparently, the army set up a safe place in the city of Atlanta, her brother's city of work.

"Scientists are still unsure of what is causing this strange phenomenon, as it seems the bodies of the recently deceased are reanimating and attacking the living. I'm here just outside Atlanta where the army are trying to get a hold of-"

The newsreader was cut off by CJ turning of the TV as she continued to pace around her living room, trying to talk to her clearly distressed brother on the phone.

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