Part 21 (Not An Option)

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The next morning, CJ woke up alone in the RV. A few people were already awake and moving around outside. Dale was up on the roof keeping watch when CJ left the vehicle and he called down to her.

"Good morning, Clara-Jane."

CJ turned and looked up to him, blocking the sun with her hand. "Hey, Dale."

"You know, we need to talk about what happened yesterday," he said, slightly concerned. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. And I know," she said with a nod. "I'm covered in walker blood so Imma' go change. I'll see you later."

"Yeah. Later," he responded, trailing off as CJ walked away to her tent.

She thought about the previous night as she changed. She felt like it didn't even happen, like it was just a bad dream that she could only remember parts of. She remembered being angry, upset. She remembered seeing all of the walkers on the ground and realising what she had done to them without being full aware.

Why did Daryl follow her out there? They still hadn't talked properly since their argument, but she was grateful that he found her when he did. If he wasn't there, who knows what could have become of her?

CJ stayed in her tent for a few minutes, sorting out her clothes from last night to wash later on. She left the tent and barely made it two steps before Carl came over and hugged her waist.

"Hey, kiddo. You okay?" she asked, tilting her head to try and look at his face.

"You left and didn't say goodbye first," he mumbled as he pulled away from CJ. "I was worried. My dad isn't back yet."

CJ sighed as she knelt down to meet the boy's eyes. "I'm sorry I made you worry, Carl. I'm sure your dad and the others will be back soon," she said with a reassuring smile.

"Okay," he nodded. "Did you know I'm gonna be a big brother?" he asked as a grin appeared on his face.

"As a matter of fact I did," CJ smiled.

"Big brother Carl," he said proudly, tipping his hat up. "Pretty cool, huh?"

"I'd say that's very cool," she laughed as she stood up and patted the top of his head. "C'mon, let's go find the others."

A few minutes later, everyone was discussing a plan for finding Rick, Glenn and Hershel when a car pulled up in front of them and the three men climbed out.

"Dad!" Carl called out as he ran to Rick and they hugged each other tightly.

Hershel stepped away from the truck. "Patricia, prepare the shed for surgery," he said loudly.

CJ quickly walked over to Glenn and pulled him in for a hug after Maggie. As she pulled away she noticed another person in the truck. He looked hurt. He was blindfolded and tied up in the backseat.

"Who the hell is that?" T-Dog asked.

"That's Randall," Glenn answered.

"Who is he? What happened to him?" CJ questioned, turning to Rick.

"He got stuck. His people left him behind," he explained.

The group brought Randall inside and whilst Hershel was treating his injuries, everyone was in the next room discussing what to do. CJ was stood next to Glenn, across the room from Daryl, who seemed to be avoiding eye contact with her.

"We couldn't just leave him behind. He would have bled out, if he lived that long," Rick said.

"Things have gotten bad in town," Glenn added.

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