🦋-"Family dinner confession"

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Chapter 31:Becoming

"What is this girl saying Stembiso"
Stembiso mother shouts on her feet ,haibo naye isn't she the one who brought Zandile here the time i was supposed to be introduced now she suddenly has a problem with her being here , thats just Fake.
"Yewena Stembiso ngikhuluma naye marhn(i am talking to you)" she shouts
"Mama lets calm down" The Zungu princess says , ah she must be so happy phela she is the only Sibling who believes im after his brothers money, crime money that is.
"Mama , Zandile  can we talk in private please "
Stembiso says , still looking at the floor , who  knew Stembiso Zungu can be this humble haibo .
After an hour of waiting for the secret meeting to be over , they come back and judying by the smile on this bitch face , im not going to be happy at all.
Stembiso clears his throat.
"Uhmm family ,i would like to apolog..."
"Awume ngama apology ukhlume(stop with the apologies and talk)"
Shaka snaps.
Stembiso clears his throat again looking even more nervous.
"Zandile was telling the truth i had sexual intercourse with her and now shes pregnant"
Nomzamo claps her hand and says "Amen" but you can't miss the slight smile on her face , she's enjoying this .
"Im sorry" he says looking at my direction.
I stand up and leave to our room .
I knew she was pregnant , i just chose to be indenial about it.After Stembiso confession or what ever it is he was doing i just couldn't sit there anymore.
The bedroom door opens while i am inside the covers.
He says and burps.
He sounds drunk , how nice he can go drink his problems away , oh how i would like to do the same.
He sighs and gets inside the covers.
I am so mad at him , for not telling me the truth , mad at his mother for involving him in her crap and also mad at Zandile for being such a thirsty obsessed bitch.
I don't know how to feel about Zandile being in our lives , but what i know is im not leaving Stembiso , no matter what Zandile tries to do

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