Chapter Ten - Leviathans Part IV

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I manage to acquire a few passes for Sam, Dean and I to use to get into parliament, whereas dad uses one of Mycroft's cards.

"We have about half an hour," dad says, tucking the card back inside his jacket as we pass security. They pat us down, but don't seem to notice the guns in each of our pockets. "Don't waste any time."

"We have five people the Leviathans are likely to be," I say, looking down at the list of names, "so I suggest we take one person each." Dad nods in agreement.

"That would be the most time effective suggestion," dad says, and I hand out character profiles of each member of parliament we're looking into.

"Do we all know what we're doing?" Dean questions and we nod. "Great, meet back here at the end of the thirty minutes then. Good luck guys." As they separate and go off in different directions, I look down at my own piece of paper. Jeremy Nox is the name printed at the top, and a small photo shows him to be a middle aged man.

I've only been here once before - with Mycroft, naturally - so I have to check with the recpetionist to find out where the foreign office is. Looking over at the desk, I see a woman in her early fifties shuffling through some paperwork. She doesn't seem too bad - a simple cover will do.

"Hi," I say, walking over to her. She looks up at me with a frown, but I continue. "Sorry, good morning. My name is Amanda Brian, Mr Nox's junior PA. I was wondering if you could direct me to his office."

"I wasn't notified Mr Nox was to recieve a new PA today," she replies, but then smiles. "To be fair, I don't get notified of much. You'll find him on the third floor, his office is the second on the right. Good luck Amanda."

"Thank you," I say, and turn around, heading for the lift.

Eventually, I find the office and step inside. I'm immediately noticed by the senior PA, who stands up and walks over to me.

"Can I help you with anything?"

"Yes, I have a meeting scheduled for now with Mr Nox," I explain. "It's for a school project."

"Of course," she says. "Come on in." She leads me towards a door at the back of the room and opens it. "Another school student for you, Mr Nox."

"Ah," he smiles. "Thank you Denise. Come on in, my dear." He pulls a seat out for me, which I sit in as Denise leaves. The door and walls are solid, so nobody can look in from the office, and they also look fairly soundproof as well. I change my glance to the windows, which shows a view onto the Thames. It's too high to jump, so my only escape route is back through the office. "So what can I help you with ...?"

"Amanda," I reply, using my previous alias. "Amanda Brian. I wanted to ask you a few questions concerning Richard Roman, who I understand you met with a few weeks ago." He tenses, but smiles.

"Ask away."

"What was the purpose of you meeting with Mr Roman?" I question, thinking through how I'm going to execute the next few minutes. In theory, if I damage his body to such an extent that it can't repair, the Leviathan may be forced out of the body. However that would also mean that it would have to find a new body.

"Mr Roman has launched a new programme in the US which I believe will beneift the UK," he responds. "That's all I can say at this point." I nod, and pull out a notepad which I pretend to write in.

"I think the Leviathan programme is his best idea yet," I say. "Wouldn't you agree, brother?"

"You're one of us?" he questions, an eyebrow raised in suspicion.

"But of course," I reply. "I have to say the body I chose suits me well. I'm not suprised you didn't recognise me. Excuse me if I change into our true form, brother. As good as I look, she wears uncomforable clothing."

"Not at all," he responds. "In fact, I think I'll join you." I know I have to be quick. I fish a small tub from out of my coat and slip on some gloves as he changes form.

It looks as though he's just melted. Black goo seeps across the floor and in a heartbeat, I've knelt down and scooped a small amount into my tub. Although it doesn't make a noise, I can sense its fury and it rises up - taller than I am. I have no choice. Screwing on the lid of the bottle, I tuck it inside the zip pocket of my jacket and sprint towards the window. I have one chance at this. I jump.

Sophia Holmes and the Scandal in Belgravia *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now