Chapter Thirteen - Leviathans Part VII

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My little party are the last to arrive in the entrance hall, and John comes over to me.

"What the hell happened?" John demands, seeing my cuts. "Some of these are quite deep Soph."

"Isn't it obvious?" dad says. "She jumped out of the window into the Thames."

"Even I got that," Dean says, smirking, but at the same time, looking concerned at my appearance. Now the adreneline is starting to dissipate, I can feel the extent of my wounds. They haven't seemed to notice the Doctor and Donna behind me.

"I'm fine," I repeat, for what feels like the fifteenth time. "The point is, the Leviathans know we're onto them now. We need to get to Barts - now."

"Agreed," John says. "If only for the sake of patching you up."

The Doctor clears his throat and the men look up.

"Is that ...?" Sam questions.

"Doctor," dad says, "and your new companion. Shame, Martha was better."

"Nice to meet you too," Donna says. "And who are you, Mr Spock?"

"Who?" dad questions, and John turns to him.

"Star Trek!"

"Never heard of it," dad shrugs down John's indignant tone.

"Donna, this is Sherlock Holmes," the Doctor says, rubbing his head. This obviously hasn't gone to plan. "And this is John Watson."

"As in the Sherlock Holmes from the book?"

"The one and the same."

"Oh my god!" Donna cries. "You're Sherlock Holmes."

"And I'm Dean Winchester," Dean interrupts. "This is Sam."

"And I'm impatient," I say. "Can we go now. Every minute we spend here is another minute the Leviathans are going to find us. I don't know how you lot got your samples, but I know mine won't be long before they get back into disguise."

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