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Three flights later, they were in Nebraska in a taxi driving down a dirt road with mixed grass prairie on either side of them. How Peter—if he was guilty—had managed to get Nick from Oxford all the way to Nebraska was a complete mystery, but it would make an excellent hiding place.

Through the windshield, tall hedges were visible, and poking out over the tips of them was the top of a gray and black mansion. It wasn't hidden to humans. There was no need to hide a house from them.

The taxi let them out at the black gate embellished in gold through which the mansion could be seen. There'd been stories about the young heir to Easter. He was only a few years older than her at the age of twenty-six. His father had died seven years ago, and Peter had been forced to take on the title long before anyone expected.

Peter Ton was Acurial's most infamous playboy, a bachelor through and through and this mansion was his playground.

Faryn pressed the buzzer on the gate box.

"Yes?" a female voice said over the intercom.

Faryn stole a glance at Cassian. "It's Clora's daughter. I'm here to see Peter."

There was no response from the other end of the line.

She hung her head, letting out a deep breath of air. They'd known this would be a gamble from the start. If they had wanted his attention, they had needed to reveal one of their names, even while knowing he could call the Winter Court down on them.

Cassian stepped toward the gate box as if he would give it a try, but before he could, the gates started to open outward. The Fata kept close to her as they walked up the drive where five sports cars were parked.

They hadn't made it to the end of the drive when the front door was thrown open, and a man stepped out of it, a grin on his face. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the door frame. He was tall with a few inches on Cassian, and as he looked them both over with his brown eyes that had swirls of blue in them, Faryn felt intimidated. His ears were curved, and his short hair was styled, parted to the side. His skin was a russet brown, and his white sleeves were pushed up to reveal a blue tattoo that looked like a rune on his forearm. Over his shirt was a blue vest trimmed in gold that matched his ascot.

He was beautiful, and he looked like the sort of Acurial who'd enchant you into a deal where in the end only he would benefit.

"Fancy seeing you two."

Cassian stepped forward. "Peter."

"Flozzie's son in the flesh, visiting my humble abode? Today really has been a day for surprises."

Faryn's senses went on alert. "Has?"

"Your cousin was here earlier. Wanted to know if you'd been around."

The breath went out of her, all of it at once. "Where is he now?"

Peter tucked his hands in his pockets and shrugged. "Back to that frozen tundra he calls home." The place Faryn was born but of which she was unable to draw up even a single memory.

Cassian stepped closer to Faryn, a protective move, but his scent overwhelmed her, and she scented the fear on him. "I assume you're about to call him back."

Peter smirked. "Why would I do that?" Neither Cassian nor Faryn spoke, instead waiting for him to make his move. Finally, Peter pushed off the door frame and came toward them. "Until Nick's found, I'll be under suspicion. It's not a good look for the newly minted Spring Prince."

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