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Faryn ducked her head hoping Endri, the Sandman, would see it as a sign of respect and embarrassment. His dance partner was Jasy, whose suit had a long tailcoat that reached the floor. In his long blond hair was a crown of thorns and purple berries that Faryn imagined were poisonous.

"Apologies." Faryn tried to keep her voice meek. Endri had heard her speak in the cell. But would it have been enough for him to recognize it?

She risked a glance and saw that they had drawn the attention of the three on the dais . . . and Klaus. She shuffled closer to Peter and dipped into a curtsy.

"I fear I got a bit too carried away with her," Peter said. "Please forgive us."

Endri waved his hand. "It's all right."

Jasy stepped forward. "Is it? If you're going to fumble the steps, then it would be best if you did not dance at all."

"Jasy, stop. These things happen"

Peter pushed Faryn behind him, shielding her face from all. "We were needing a break anyway. We'll go." Holding onto Faryn he tried stepping past them, but Jasy Jatere placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Jasy," Endri hissed. "Enough."

"They come into our Court. Eat our food. Drink our wine. And think it's all right to make themselves at home."

"I assure you that is not the case."


Peter's grip tightened on her. "She did."

"Both of you."

"I'm so—"

"On your knees."

She felt Peter tremble against her. He was a Court member, and being ordered to beg for forgiveness on one's knees by a rival Court was an insult. But he couldn't reveal his identity. There would be far worse consequences

Peter's shoulders and back were stiff as he and Faryn lowered themselves to their knees, Faryn having to move her dress out of the way so it would not get trapped under her.

"Forgive us," Faryn said wondering what it would be like to whack Jasy with his magical staff though he did not have it on him.

"What a lovely couple."

At the sound of Klaus's voice, Faryn's breath caught. With her head still down, his boots stepped into her line of sight. He would recognize both of their voices. At least none of them had the ability to tell by their scents who they were.

"Come." The Adze tugged on Klaus's hand. "I only have a minute before I have to go."

Yes, please take him. As long as Klaus was here, she felt as if her voice had been stolen.

"I'd like to get back to dancing. Do you think we can do that?" Endri's voice was harsh, but as he bent down and took Faryn's hand, he was gentle. "I'm sorry about Jasy."

Faryn ducked her head even more as he pulled her to her feet. Around them the music built toward its crescendo.

"Please enjoy yourselves. I know it was an accident."

The music hit its highest point creating a sound like a shattering glass as Faryn dipped into a curtsey.

The lights went out.

And Acurials screamed. They laughed. Shouted and cheered.

A hand slid into hers, tugging her back. She could only hope it was Peter. She could smell him, but there were too many scents flooding her nose to distinguish who had hold of her.

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