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Morpheus must have a grudge against Faryn because once again sleep alluded her. Every time she tried to let her thoughts drift, they turned right back to replaying Aurelius's and Perchta's conversation.

If Klaus really was to blame, then she might just finally have a way to find Nick and prove her innocence. But first she had to find Clora, especially if Klaus was behind Nick's kidnapping. What would he be after by getting rid of Nick? Removing an awful parent from his life or inheriting the role of Ol' Saint Nick early?

Had all Santas really been such horrible Acurials?

She turned, burying her face in her pillow, the black silk rubbing against her skin. She couldn't get swept up in this theory. It wasn't proven Klaus was guilty. The idea was planted in her head by the mumblings of one Winter Court member.

The door creaked as someone opened it, and Faryn reached for her dagger on her nightstand before Peter's scent reached her.

He shut the door behind him as Faryn flicked on the lamp, the shade of which was a rusty red and bathed the room in scarlet.

Remembering Aurelius's warning not to stray from their rooms, Faryn arched a brow, and Peter shrugged.

"I'm not a good listener."

Faryn felt herself smile, and she hadn't known until then how much her heart, her mind, needed her to smile.

The Spring Prince wore an oversized cream sweater and brown cotton pants. He looked cozy and beautiful, which was unfair because the only way Faryn could be cozy was if she was looking far from perfect.

He strode across the room. "Did I wake you?"

"I wish I could say you did."

He titled his head to the side, giving her a lopsided smile. "We should really be out drinking and dancing, watching fire explode across the sky." Right. It was New Years.

She drew her legs up toward her chest. "Next year."

"It's a deal."

Faryn smiled again and Peter motioned to the bed. She nodded, and as he took a seat at the edge, Faryn chewed on the inside of her cheek. Why was he here?

"We'll find the biggest firework show on the planet and go," he said.

"That sounds wonderful."

"How are you?"

Faryn's stomach clenched. "I'm fine."

He studied his fingers. "I know we've only known each other for a few days, but don't lie to me." His blue eyes flicked up to hers, and her only answer was to close her own.

"I'm sorry for dragging you here only for Aurelius to do this."

"He's the one who should be sorry, Faryn."

"He was like family. Even more so than Clora. I had no idea about him and Klaus. Do . . . do you think . . ."

"Do I think that Klaus did it? Maybe. He's not my favorite."

"I'm starting to gather that for you not many are."

He winked. "Well I can really only have one, right?"

She started to laugh before her throat tightened, and she had to fight back her tears.

"Do you want me to stay?" There was no hidden suggestion buried in his words, no innuendo. His offer only came from a place of care for her.

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