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No, no, no, no.

Cassian used his other hand to pull her beanie off the rest of the way and stared. She knew what he was seeing though it hadn't been there when she was getting ready. The streaks must not go down to the end of her hair if no one noticed while the rest of her hair had been covered.

"Is that?"

There was no use lying now that he had seen it. "Yes."

"You do have magic."

She grabbed the beanie from Cassian and tugged it back on, hoping no one else had seen. "A very inconsequential amount."

"So your hair will eventually turn all white?"

"No. Just the streaks."

"Is it more than just your hair?"

"I don't get cold very often."

"So Clíodhna was right. You are rejecting your powers."

Rage boiled deep in her stomach. "If I had other powers, I would know."

He took a step toward her, and she took one back, putting her against the railing.

"You've been dying your hair because you're ashamed of your magic. Tell me, how does that not sound like you're rejecting them."

"I'm ashamed of my family. I don't want anything to do with them."

"Magic mimics its bearer's personality. To use it, you have to learn how to handle yourself. Your magic is scared of you, Faryn, because you're scared of it, and I would bet it's coming out through your hair because it's petty and vindictive."

Faryn's nostrils flared. "So that's what you think of me."

"What else would you call what you were doing with Arlo?"

She locked her jaw. She didn't have an answer to that.


"I'm glad you're just like the rest of our world. Because they think I'm vindictive, right? It's why I took Nick?"

"Do you think most of us have a kind, loving personality at our roots? That's what our magic feeds and thrives off. Not the image we paint on the outside of us."

"But you're one of the few with a winning personality?"

He stepped closer, and Faryn had to tilt her head up to hold his eyes.

"I told you, petty," he murmured it, so low no one else should have been able to hear.

"Then who are you, Cassian? Who are you at your core?"

"My magic is stubborn and . . . insecure."

Faryn blinked. She wasn't expecting that.

He lowered his eyes, his light lashes falling over them. "I am full doubts. And if I want to use my magic at its full strength, I have to overcome them."


"I have to come to grips that sometimes—most times—my mind is against me." That sounded exhausting. She felt a twinge in her heart.

"So you're saying that if I do have more powers, to . . . access them, I'll have to accept my family?"

"Not them, but you'll probably have to come to terms with being a Morozko. You fear that part of you. If you want to use your magic, you can't."

She almost laughed—a bit of what felt like hysteria bubbling up in her. She was a Morozko and not a Claus and because of that she was a prime suspect. Her cousin was hunting her. He wanted her dead—after she had suffered for what he believed she'd done to his uncle.

"If I had any other power, I'm pretty certain I would have sensed some glimmer of it by now."

Cassian opened his mouth, but Peter walked up to them.

"You should eat something, Faryn."

She glanced at the table where the food still gleamed. He was right. She was hungry, and the wine would only make her more so.

Cassian stepped back to let her go when Peter stepped in front of them.

"One thing though. Clíodhna says she's coming with us.

"What?" Cassian's eyes narrowed, his voice sharp. "Why?"

"She didn't offer a reason."

"Do you think she's"—Faryn looked at Arlo where he sat at the table laughing over something Clíodhna had said—"his spy?"

"If we're all innocent as we claim"—Cassian's eyes landed on her—"then there is nothing for her to learn." Unless the Leprechaun merely planned to slit their throats as they slept so their world could be done with them.

Faryn took the seat next to her where she sat adjacent to Arlo. Peter sat down beside Faryn, and Cassian slid in beside Brea and Lara.

The Fata broke a loaf of bread in half. "What is the rest of your plan, Arlo?"

The Ratoncito Pérez leaned back in his seat, his long fingers wrapped around a green and red pear. "How are you at flying with another Acurial?"

Faryn blanched at the unintentional reminder of what had occurred at the cliffs in Sleet City, her body feeling as if she'd been plunged into melting ice.

Cassian though gave no indication that the incident had even crossed his mind at Arlo's question. "It's not an issue, if that's what you're asking."

"Peter still has the freedom to be able to board the train, but you and the lovely Faryn cannot. At least not by standard means."

"You mean to have me fly her onto the train?"

"It's a bit more complicated than you're thinking. The train stays above ground until right before it leaves the bounds of Reyarney. You'll have to land once the train is already in motion and far enough from the station that you won't be spotted."

"Will there be enough time?"

"For a skilled flyer such as yourself?" Arlo preens. "Of course."

Faryn found she couldn't look at Cassian. She'd have to feel him hold her tightly against him—again. The thought had her stomach twisting into knots. She still didn't fully trust Cassian, wasn't entirely sure that his plan wasn't to lull her into security and then kill her. He was a Fae, and she an Elf. It was who they were. What their kinds did to each other.

Now Arlo's plan hinged on either Faryn climbing into Cassian's arms or him pulling her into them. She felt her neck flush, which was not her usual reaction to fear.

"How do I know which is the right car?" Cassian asked.

Brea pulled a pearl topped petit four from a tiered tower. "We'll flag it."

Arlo wore a charming smile that gave Faryn the sudden intense desire to punch him in the face for some strange, unsettling reason. "Any more questions, Cassian?"

Faryn finally stole a glance at the Fata. He hadn't eaten any of the bread and instead was continuing to break each half into two more halves.

"It sounds like you have everything covered," he said and then finally took a bite of bread.

Claus is so close to hitting 2,000 reads! If it does before Wednesday, I'll share the start of the next chapter over on my profile wall. If you're following me, you should get a notification if I do!

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