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| Camden |

Over the last few days, things had felt maybe a little awkward between me and Mateo, but I think both of us were just trying to see where we stood with each other. Friday night finally came around though, and I think we managed to find our way back to how we were again. Maybe it partly had to do with the fact that we would be seeing Sam later. I think Mateo was feeling a little possessive but instead of showing it in a negative way, he just had a lot of hugs and kisses to give me.

"Stop it," I said giggling and pushing him off me as I tried to zip up the trousers I was wearing for tonight. Apparently whenever I was changing was when he always wanted to kiss me.

"You look good," he complimented once I was finally changed. I wasn't wearing anything particularly impressive, just black bottoms and a graphic white t-shirt, but Mateo did seem to find it enough to admire me.

"Thanks," I said rolling my eyes. "So do you." He was in all black and he'd put some spiked bracelets on his wristband a chain around his neck. "You sure you're okay with us going to Sam's?" I asked.

He shrugged. "He didn't really do anything wrong. I'll just make it clear you're mine if he decides to be weird."

I rolled my eyes and gave him a quick kiss. "Well, we are exclusive, aren't we? So, you haven't got anything to worry about on my end."

"Same here," he replied. "Speaking of exclusive though, when do you think you might wanna... you know, go up to the next label?"

"Boyfriends, you mean?" I asked. To be honest it's something that's been on my mind for a while. Being exclusive was basically the same thing just without the added pressure that I didn't need or want when we first got together. "I think we kind of are already. Don't you think?" I looked away shyly, so I didn't have to see his reaction. Maybe part of wanting to make it official now came from me knowing that one of his exes was also suddenly interested in him, but I did want him to be mine. Calling him my boyfriend didn't sound so scary anymore and I'd wanted him to be for so many years that I don't know why I was waiting this long anyway.

"Yeah?" Mateo asked moving my face with his hand to look at him. I just nodded my head because words seemed to escape me. Mateo grinned. "Give us a kiss then boyfriend."

I chuckled and leant forward to give him what he wanted. I was glad that becoming official didn't need to be this big thing.

"If we're official now then, can I ask you a question?" he asked.


"Why do you suddenly want to go to a party? I thought they weren't your thing anymore?"

It's not like I could lie to someone that I just made my boyfriend, so I decided to be honest. "I just... I want you to know that I can still be like fun. Like we can do fun stuff together. I might not drink but that doesn't have to stop us from doing anything."

"Mi amor, you do realise that you don't have to prove anything to me, right?"

"I think I kinda wanna prove it to myself," I admitted.

"Okay... are you nervous at all?" he asked. The dreaded question.


"Aw baby," he said pulling me against his chest and wrapping his arms around me in a warm embrace. "I'm promising you right now that I won't leave your side even for one second. I'll stay sober as well if you want me to, if you'll feel safer that way."

"You don't have to stay sober... Maybe just... take it slow? And don't get too plastered, just in the beginning at least?"


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