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"Eighteen!" Henry had said, honking his car loudly as he'd pulled up in front of her house that morning.

"Eighteen," Bianca had greeted him, grinning widely. "I am now officially old enough to buy my own house."

"Knowing you, you'll be ready to move out by tonight."

"No more living with that piece of shit who claims he's my father," Bianca had said cheerfully. "Something wrong? You look queasy."

Henry had shaken his head. "I'm fine. It's nothing."

But it hadn't been nothing, had it? Because the son of a bitch had been planning on stabbing her in the back.

"Here's an idea. Let's skip school."

Bianca had gawked at him. "Henry Oake, suggesting we skip school? Your parents were right, you never should've made friends with someone like me."

She'd expected him to laugh, but he'd stared at the floor, instead.

"Seriously, Henry, are you alright?"

"More than alright," Henry had cleared his throat. "Let's go to the woods. Everything needed for a picnic is stuffed in the trunk."

Ten minutes into the picnic, twelve men had emerged from the woods, each of them holding tranquilizer guns in their hands. "Henry, get behind me," Bianca had said, knowing they were here for her, not being able to even fathom that her trusted friend of five years might have had something to do with this ambush.

"I'm so sorry, Bianca," were the last words he had said before aconite darts had come at her from all sides. She'd been able to literally feel the unbelievably large amount of poison that had filled up her veins, and she'd begun to convulse on the spot.

Sierra had betrayed her. Henry had betrayed her. The only family member she had constantly chose power over her. They all called her a monster, a freak, a psychopath, a killer a killer a killer.

"Tell me it isn't true. Tell me my best friend didn't just sell me out."

It was taking her immense effort just to breathe properly, but she managed to say these words in a stable tone.

"If that's what you want to hear, sure," Grayson replied. "Your best friend didn't just sell you out."

No. No. No. 

"It's not true. It can't be true." She was barely aware that she'd just thrown the glass Grayson had given to her across the room.

"You can't ever fully trust anyone but yourself, Bianca. As Lorenzo's daughter, I would've thought you'd learned that by now."

"Henry is the only loyal friend I've ever had in my life. He wouldn't betray me like this."

He wouldn't. He wouldn't. He wouldn't.

"One year ago, wouldn't you have said the exact same thing about Sierra Brookes?"

She wanted to throttle him she wanted to throttle Henry she wanted to throttle the entire fucking world- She punched him right in the nose and heard a satisfying crunching sound.

"Speak that name again, and I will kill you."

The next thing she knew, her head was spinning from having been slammed onto the wall.

"I may not be your alpha, Bianca Blackburn, but I still am one." He kneed her in the gut, but with all the aconite still present in her system, Bianca couldn't feel a thing. "And trust me, if I didn't need you alive so much, I would have torn you to pieces already."

"The boy who was forgotten by his own father thinks he can take on a Blackburn? You're more suicidal than I'd given you credit for."

Sierra. Henry. Her father.

They'd all turned their backs on her. She was all alone.

She didn't want to be alone.

"Where are your manners, Briare? You're in the presence of a queen. Why aren't you on your knees?"

"You can pretend to be indifferent to this situation all you want, Blackburn. But deep down, you're scared. It's only a matter of time before that fear shows itself."

She instinctively grabbed his hand and god had those golden flecks in his eyes always been present or was it a trick of the light and her heart was beating beating beating faster but it wasn't him that was having this effect on her it was something else something else why was it so hot in here?

"Where are you going?" she gasped. She stopped him from walking away again. "It's my birthday today, Briare, don't I get a gift?"

"What is wrong with you?"

What was wrong with her? The world shouldn't be shaking this much and the heat of the LED lights above them she could actually feel it she could feel and sense everything this was exactly like the time Sierra and Henry and she had gotten their hands on cocaine back when they'd been sixteen she'd gotten so high she'd eventually lost all feelings in her fingers and hands and toes and face and lips lips lips his lips were so perfectly shaped...

She kissed him. She didn't know why. But she was sick of it all. Sick of having people betray her all the time without warning. But with Grayson Briare maybe it would be different it would be different because she already knew he was planning on manipulating her and using her anyway so what difference did it make if she did what she shouldn't or not?

Loneliness. Utter loneliness was what frightened her the most, and the universe, being the perfect place that it was, had targeted this fear of hers from the very start. She'd lost her mother and her friends and what if this was it what if she was forever destined to be alone?

"Help me," she breathed, staring directly into his amber eyes. "Help me forget it all."

Enemy of my EnemyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora