𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊

110 6 19

Present Day

"Phase two is complete," Bianca grinned at him.

"Phase two? Exactly how many phases do you have planned out?" Grayson returned her smile.

She started counting them off on her fingers. "Phase one was regaining your wolves' respect. Two was getting The Six to help us. Three is putting everything in place to steal the throne from Lorenzo, and four is stealing the throne from Lorenzo."

"You still haven't revealed any details about phase three."

"You'll just have to trust me," Bianca shrugged. "You trust me, don't you?"

He snorted. "I don't think even Reyes is that stupid, Bianca."

"All you have to know is that, in one year's time, we're going to be the rulers of the largest pack in North Carolina."

"And... And your father?" Grayson asked hesitantly. He'd put off asking this for as long as he'd been able to, but now that they'd come this far... Lorenzo would have to die. She understood that, didn't she?

"I know what you mean," Bianca licked her lips. "I- I know. I just- I hate him, but the relationship between him and me wasn't like the one between you and Vincent. I can't... I can't. He can't die."


"Look, I know it's dangerous, okay?"

"I don't think you do. He'll come after us if we let him live. Not to mention, the Blackburn wolves won't accept a new leader until the old one's dead."

She shook her head. "Grayson... When the time comes, just promise me killing him won't be the first option you turn to."

"You know I can't do that."

"I know," Bianca muttered.

This conversation was getting too depressing. Grayson decided to change the topic. "If you're going to be taking half the Blackburn pack at the end of this, my wolves are going to have to know there's an alliance between us at some point. When?"

"Wait just a bit longer," Bianca said. "Foot soldiers have short memories, anyway. They won't remember your 'weak' moment in a few weeks' time. We'll tell them then."

Grayson left Bianca's room, and nearly collided straight into Kenna.

"Gray," Kenna's eyes widened. "I didn't realize you were here."

"It's... It's my house, Kenna."

"I know," she answered a little too quickly. "I just... Oh, who's room is that?" she nodded to the door Grayson was standing in front of.

Grayson stuttered for a bit. Telling her the truth wouldn't be a good idea- For several reasons. 

"Why aren't you sleeping? It's late right now."

"You're right. I was just on my way to my room," Kenna laughed nervously.

Grayson frowned. She wasn't questioning his suspicious attitude, which could only mean one thing: They were both hiding secrets tonight.

 Two weeks had passed since the meeting with The Six. Bianca had been shut up in her room during most of that time, along with Grayson- They'd begun making detailed plans to drag Lorenzo off the throne. Bianca had also started changing her attitude in front of Grayson's wolves, bit by bit. Her posture became a little more relaxed, then a little more confident. She started speaking more, maybe one or two sentences per conversation. Grayson somehow found a way to start a rumor that Bianca was actually helping the Briare Pack steal Lorenzo Blackburn's crown. So, when Bianca started showing up to meetings more and more, the wolves took this to mean the stories they'd been hearing were true. And if they were wary about Grayson's judgment to trust her, they didn't voice their thoughts. They'd all seen the gleaming scar that connected Bianca's eye and jaw, after all.

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