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Bianca was having a hard time coping with this. It was all very new to her. She'd never been thought of as the weak one before, the defeated one, the one who could be overlooked. Well, not by anyone other than her father, that is. But being laughed at by arguably the most powerful alpha in North America and being laughed at by a bunch of Grayson's foot soldiers were two very different things.

It had taken her so much not to punch Reyes in the face when he'd touched her face and whispered 'Princess,' into her ear. After Reyes and Grayson had left, Bianca had forced herself to get down on her knees again, acting all pathetic as Briare's guards had picked her up and thrown her back into her room.

She felt like it was only fair that Grayson's wolves be warned not to mess with her, because she was currently itching to soak her hand wrist deep in another's blood.

"Guess what, Blackburn?"

The door burst open without warning. Had Bianca not been facing away from it, Reyes would've seen straight through her act. Fortunately, she was afforded a few precious seconds to get back into character before Reyes rounded the bed and appeared in front of her.

"Gray's bringing some friend over. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

A friend? What friend? This hadn't been a part of their plan.

Bianca turned over in the bed so she wouldn't have to look at Reyes anymore. But he simply walked around the bed so that he was in her line of sight again.

"A human friend. And not that it'll matter to you since you're going to be stuck in here anyway, but Gray doesn't want anyone transitioning in front of said human, understand?"

She didn't answer him.

"What happened to your sharp tongue, princess? Did Gray cut it out for you?"

Stay calm. You can handle a few snide remarks. Stay calm.

"Honestly, I'm disappointed. From all the rumors I've heard about you, I thought you'd last longer." He grabbed her by her chin and wrenched her face to the side so that he could see her double scars properly. She hadn't minded when Grayson had touched her face- It had almost been sweet, in a way. But now, it felt like something disgusting was crawling its way up her spine.

"Such a pretty face," he murmured. "Such unfortunate wounds."

Apart from his words, he hadn't done anything to her- Yet. She needed to keep telling herself this, that Reyes was just bored, that he wasn't here to actually hurt her. Reyes was on Grayson's leash, after all. He wouldn't dare try anything unless he had a direct order from his puppet master.

Still, she couldn't help but think, Come a little closer, darling. I'll make you see how many unfortunate wounds I can decorate your pretty face with.

There was a knock on the door, and a guard stepped inside. "They're here," he called to Reyes, who responded with a nod. He still kept his hand on Bianca's face. Right as he started to get up, he laughed. "Bianca Blackburn," he shook his head. "You're nothing more than a common bitch, aren't you?"

She pounced. She knocked him to the ground, climbed on top of him, and began scratching at his face with her tremendous claws. The guard rushed forward from behind her, but with the swift kick of her legs, he was on the floor. Bianca pulled the wolfsbane gun out of the guard's hands and shot him with it. She aimed it at Reyes next, but he was already on his feet. He slammed her head onto the bedpost, once, twice- She elbowed him in the stomach, kicked his face, and made a run for it.

Bianca had already turned the corner at the end of the hallway when the thought finally occurred to her: Shit. She'd completely ruined the plan she'd forced upon Grayson. What part of 'defeated and overlooked' involved having the guts to go up against Grayson's second in command?

Not that Reyes hadn't deserved it, because he totally had. Still, maybe Bianca could have gone about it in a different way. But not all the blame rested with her. She'd been raised to always throw the first punch.

She found herself on a stair railing that overlooked an impossibly large room. Bianca had to pause for a bit to take it all in. Even by her standards, this house was incredible.

Then she felt the whizz of a dart blowing past her ear, and remembered she was in the middle of a fight.

Sick of running, Bianca turned around to face Reyes and the one two three- Five guards who were accompanying him. Honestly, did Reyes not have one ounce of pride in his annoyingly muscular body?

Bianca's claws elongated, as did her fangs. She charged at the group, and had already knocked two of the guards to the ground before the others realized she was actually stupid enough to take them on six to one. Reyes grabbed her throat, two of them grabbed her wrists- Another tried to punch her, but she rammed her head into his skull before he could.

"What the hell is going on?" A voice roared from the first floor.

Instantly, the men surrounding Bianca froze. She used this to her advantage and kicked herself free of their grasp.

God, how was she going to explain this mess to Grayson?

He can deal with it, she thought to herself.

Bianca rushed to the edge of the stair railing, and was greeted with the sight of a fuming Grayson, and... A girl. Human, by the scent of it. Her eyes were as round as the moon, and she was staring at Grayson with her jaw dropped, apparently absolutely appalled that he'd just shouted.

"Blackburn," Grayson growled.

"Gray, what is..." The girl quieted down when Bianca approached them, taking three stairs at a time.

"I swear to god, this whole mess," Bianca sighed, as if preparing to deliver one large dramatic speech, "Was entirely Reyes's fault."

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