Chapter 2

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MY 16TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION turned out to be agonizing. Internally agonizing, I should say. Everyone was clueless about the torturous pain behind my smiling face except Avery and me. Up to now, a week after, I still couldn't believe I survived that day, having witnessed the countless PDAs between Art and his Paisley.

Art and his Paisley.

I wouldn't deny any way I say it doesn't make any difference in the pain level it brings to my body. It hurts so much. I feel like it goes deep into my soul every time I remind myself that Art and Shelly are no more.

God bless Avery, for she made me go over all the party shenanigans in a breeze. She never left my side. We've been exchanging sleepovers in each other's houses for a week since my birthday. In school, we avoided Art like the plague. We started bringing packed lunches to avoid going to the cafeteria. So it's not just to avoid sharing our table with him, but to never see him and his girl together.

Though the nights of tears welling lessened, the inner pain lingered. Finally, I decided I needed to remove anything that reminded me of him from my system. So I took all our pictures around the four corners of my childhood bedroom—eight years of Halloween, school dances, Christmas, New Year, and birthday photos. Three boxes of everything Art now contain what I thought would have been my happily ever after. Memories that will stay boxed instead of what I planned to show to our future children and grandchildren.

So much for re-enacting how I met your father and your grandfather.

"What's these, Shells?"

My mom's surprise appearance made my heart beat faster. Without saying a word, I can tell with her contorted face and widened eyes what's going on in her mind. Her vision swept through my now empty walls in seconds.

"Oh, Sweetie! What happened? Did you and Art fight?"

Instantly her arms were around me. The heaviness I was feeling in my chest got more intense. Finally, it formed a lump in my throat. My wish to keep calm and never shed a tear in front of my mom didn't happen. The moment her warm hands cupped my face, her brown gaze disarmed me. Tears welled in my eyes as my chest heaved fast and deep.

"My sweet, Shelly!" Her one arm tightened on my shoulder as the other massaged my back gently. "You know you can tell mom anything." Mom's whispering voice seared with both pain and choked tears.

"There's no more Art and Shelly. Mom!"

All the tears I thought I cried out days ago erupted. My whole body convulsed in sobs. I know there was nothing promised regarding Art and my relationship beyond friendship. But how can I make my heart follow the logic of my mind?


"I talked to his mother." Mom cleared her throat after sipping coffee from her mug as we shared breakfast. My mouth opened, but no words came out.

Three weeks had passed since my breakdown. I thought it was only to console me when mom said she would talk to Art's mom. I forgot that my mom always goes by her word.

I waited for her to continue talking, but she sipped her coffee again.

"It turned out she wasn't happy too."

"Mom." My voice croaked. I closed my eyes to control my tears from falling. But deep in my heart, I know she was doing what she thought best.

"It's alright, Sweetie. I didn't say anything."

When I opened my eyes, I saw her staring at me. Then without another word, she placed the newspaper down and held my hand.

"I just asked if she knew that Art now has a girlfriend. She had no idea and wasn't happy that it wasn't you."

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