Chapter 8

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"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS doing here?" I cleared my throat.

Ashton smiled and handed me a gift box. "Welcome back, Shelly Rae!"

I smiled back at Ashton as my trembling hand accepted the gift. I was about to turn around to give way to both in entering the door when Art called my name.

"Shells..." his voice cracked.

I didn't look nor spare him a glance. "You guys can go straight to the living room." I focused my vision on the gift box in my hand. "Ave is about to start a movie. I need to get something from my bedroom."

I hurried towards the stairs without looking back. Even when Avery called me from a distance, I kept going. I only have one goal: to get away from Art.

The moment I entered my room and locked the door, I let my emotions out. My eyes pooled with tears, and my shoulders sagged as my body limped slowly down the floor. I couldn't explain why, but the grief I felt for the loss of my grandmother had resurrected.

Seeing Art added pain. But I knew if I let things slide again, whatever Art and I have, or if there was, it would be a continuous cycle of getting hurt and broken.

As much as I would like to listen to his explanation and be near him, I knew better. So this time, I would go by what my dad told me: when something is for you, you wouldn't have to force it.

While in the Philippines, I did a lot of thinking. And I got some funny but excellent advice from newfound cousins my age. In addition, observing the love shared by my married Filipino relatives gave me something to aspire to.

I wouldn't forget my cousin Raul's words: you're too young for this broken heart shit, cuz! I learned that their endearment for cousin was cuz. So let him go and do your shit. If he comes after you, then it was meant to be.

Though he spoke while holding his third bottle of Red Horse, and I was munching my now fave chichacorn, I realized there was no harm in following his advice.

But being cornered by not just one but two wasn't what I prepared for. I knew the longer Art stayed downstairs, the harder it would be for me to avoid him. Not to forget to add to the complicated mix of Ashton's presence.

I needed help.


A: OMG! What's happening? I can't concentrate on the movie. Art looks like he wants to kill Ashton any minute!

S: Pls make them leave! Tell them I don't feel well due to the long flight. Please!!!

A: 👌 I got this! Don't worry! ❤️


Since the day I got back to Boston, I made it my job to avoid Art. I didn't answer his calls or reply to any of his messages. Avery was a big help in my escape from Art's presence. Even my mom contributed to giving all excuses possible on my behalf.

But just like in anything, everything came to an end. My month-long avoidance saga reached its end. Auntie Jenny's birthday came. It was a tradition that we all attended. On our way to the party, Avery and I knew there was no way of escaping Art anymore. Especially at all our mothers' parties, the three of us shared the responsibility of greeting the guests.

"I can attempt to stand between you, guys, to get Art's attention," Avery whispered as she scratched her head. "But I can only make it happen for a few minutes. Knowing Art, he had planned his moves tonight already, Shells."

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