Chapter Four

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Here we are again ... I'm embarking on a new journey of a fanfiction story. This time, we're going with a post-apocalyptic vibe. I recently watched The 100 on Netflix. I'd been intrigued to write a story based off that show/series of novels. I decided to write it for NaNoWriMo. I'm starting almost halfway through the month, but I'm determined to, at least, get something going.

In regard to how many chapters, update schedule and all that jazz, I'm not certain, but I'm hoping to get a big chunk written in the next fifteen days.

Up next, will be Edward ... and some dissatisfaction among the one hundred from the drop ship. What will happen? We'll also hear from Carlisle, as well.

Chapter Four: On the Ground ...


My eyes were so dry. I rubbed at them as I tried to stay awake. It was nearly dawn. The camp was covered in a soft lavender glow. Birds were chirping happily, making my head throb. It made me yearn for the steady, mechanical thrum of the Ark. I almost missed the too cool temperature, stale air, and grey bulkheads against the blanket of velvety space and twinkling starlight.

Almost ...

I took another leisurely stroll around the drop ship. Emmett, Mike, and Tyler were on patrol with me. Emmett tried to get Jasper to join us, but he was barely coherent. He obviously killed too many brain cells with his weed. We left him inside after telling him to keep an eye out for Jacob and his cronies, the group who had taken the first patrol shift.

By the time the sun had crested over the horizon, most of the people in the camp had gotten up. Most were eager to eat something, but Rose, Bella and a few others had commandeered the rations we'd been provided. We had enough for everyone to have two meals per day for a week. We obviously needed to supplement the rations with stuff we found on the ground, including fruit, fish, and anything else we could get.

Our biggest issue was not having weaponry. I gave my bowie knife to Bella. I also had my side arm, but only two clips of about thirty bullets. The powers that be on the Ark, they explained that they couldn't spare any extra weapons. We needed more guns and ammunition, which was obviously not a choice, or we needed to create rudimentary weapons. We couldn't exactly talk a deer to death. From my conversations with my parents and Bella's mother, there were weapons in Mount Weather, along with a few other locations. However, we still needed to ascertain our landing coordinates. We were in North America. I'd seen a sign leaning against a tree that said Washington, D.C., but I didn't know how far that was compared to Mount Weather.

We had several maps in with our supplies, but I couldn't figure out where we were on the map. Emmett was strong at orienteering, as was Bella. Emmett was far more interested in flirting with Rosalie yesterday and Bella was too loopy from the medication she was injected with prior to departure. Since she hadn't eaten much while she was in the prison, her body reacted harshly to the sedative. Hopefully, Bella and Emmett could pinpoint our exact location and the distance to Mount Weather.

Alice walked over to me, twisting her long brown hair up. "It's so bright," she whined. "It was never this bright on the Ark." She looked down at the cuff on her arm. "This thing is also too tight."

"It's giving information to the Ark," I explained. "It's tight to make sure the readings are accurate."

"Why should we give the Ark information? They threw us away," Jacob snarled, tugging on his shirt. "I took mine off last night."

"Oooh, can you take mine off?" Alice asked.

"No, Alice," I said. I looked at Jacob and he never had on a cuff. They left four distinct scars on the underside of your wrist. Jacob's wrists were free of those scars. Gently, I guided a pouting Alice away from Jacob. "Alice, we need to leave the cuffs on. The Ark is dying. We were sent down here to give them six more months and to see if the ground was habitable. You're not feeling sick, are you?"

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