Chapter Twenty-Six

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Here we are again ... I'm embarking on a new journey of a fanfiction story. This time, we're going with a post-apocalyptic vibe. I recently watched The 100 on Netflix. I'd been intrigued to write a story based off that show/series of novels. I decided to write it for NaNoWriMo. I'd starting almost halfway through the month, but I'm determined to, at least, get something going. My goal is to finish the story for NaNoWriMo July Camp ...

This is the last regular chapter. I really mean that ... I promise!

We will have the summit with the Grounder tribes, some Edward and Bella bonding, along with some counseling from Amun and Indra. Not to mention ... the aforementioned citrus.

Chapter Twenty-Six: Annapolis


I shifted on the saddled of my beautiful mount, a mare named Twilight. Edward rode next to me on a stallion that was black as midnight. A fitting name for his horse – Midnight. On my right, Indra rode next to me and Amun was leading our group to Annapolis.

"We'll be stopping at the river for the night," Indra explained. "I know that you're not used to riding horses."

"I'm feeling every tick of Midnight's muscles," Edward chuckled, shooting Indra a wry smile.

"You'll feel it more tomorrow," Indra snickered. "We have a salve to rub on sore muscles, if you'd like."

"Perhaps, once we get to our final destination," I suggested. "What can we expect when we get to Annapolis?"

"It is a bustling city where many of our people congregate. We all have sections of the city, but we live peacefully," Indra explained. "There is a lone skyscraper. It was one of the few that survived the bombs. It's used as a homebase for the tribal leaders. Amun and I will be staying there. You will be staying in adjacent room as our guests. It's not as lavish as the mountain, but we appreciate its shelter."

"I can't speak for Edward, but I'm looking forward to seeing Annapolis," I grinned.

"I'm eager to interact with the other tribes," Edward added. "What can you tell me about them?"

"My brother, Benjamin, leads the tribe from the northern wastes," Amun explained. He furrowed his brow. "If you are familiar with the map of the United States, he lives in what used to be Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. The winters are formidable, but the hunting is extensive. Annapolis is as far south he comes, and only to trade."

"Will we meet Benjamin?" Edward asked.

"He will be at the summit, along with our cousin, Kachiri. She leads the tribes in the Shenandoah Valley," Amun answered.

"You're all related?" I questioned.

"Benjamin and I are related by blood, but Kachiri is our cousin through the tribes. We all may lead differently and have different places where we reside, but we're all family," Amun explained. "We have some other tribes further west, but we haven't explored west of the Mississippi River. We got as far as the Great Lakes."

"You? Personally?" Edward breathed.

"No, our ancestors," Amun chuckled. "The furthest we've been to is the Ohio River Valley. Kachiri may have made it to the Great Lakes, but it's been some time since we've seen her." He stopped speaking, turning his head. "I hear the river. Let's set up camp."

Like a well-oiled machine, the tent city was erected around the river. Edward helped set up our tent. I worked with Indra to gather wood for the campfire. We had the fire blazing and a stew cooking by the time the tents were set up. Edward sat down next to me, kissing my lips. "Our accommodations are pretty sweet. We're right next to Amun and Indra."

May We Meet AgainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora