Chapter Twelve

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Here we are again ... I'm embarking on a new journey of a fanfiction story. This time, we're going with a post-apocalyptic vibe. I recently watched The 100 on Netflix. I'd been intrigued to write a story based off that show/series of novels. I decided to write it for NaNoWriMo. I'm starting almost halfway through the month, but I'm determined to, at least, get something going. But, here I am in October and I'm still working on it.

To be honest, I struggled with getting the previous chapter, but after doing some illegal planning (meaning, I worked on this at my job ... in a notebook), I got over the hump. I know who the big bad will be and the climax of the story, but the issue is getting there. You know?

Chapter Twelve: On the Ark ...


"According to Sinclair, the outer most parts of the Ark will most likely be where it breaks apart," I said, reading off the tablet. "Take everything from these storage containers and bring them down to the promenade. These are medical supplies. They need to be tacked down to protect the contents inside."

"Yes, Dr. Swan," said Angela Weber. She held her baby in a sling, picking up a smaller container.

In the madness, I gave her baby a booster of its pain shot, along with the medications Bella had promised her. I was sitting on the floor, taking inventory of what we needed to take as opposed to what we wanted to take.

"Dr. Swan, we have some bins of extra clothing," said a male voice. "Keep?"

"Yes, keep. We don't know when or if we can make new clothes. Those can be brought to the dining hall," I explained. "Thank you."

"No problem, Dr. Swan," he said, grabbing a few guys to carry the bins to the dining hall.

I worked for another hour until my communicator chimed from my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw a message from Charlie to meet him in the command center. I handed off my task to Alec, who had just come from a shift in medical and went to the command center. The surviving members of the council were already there, gathered around the center console with Sinclair. I walked over to the console, giving my husband a kiss on the cheek and nodding to the rest of the council. "When are we going to begin our descent?"

"We need one more orbit to line everything up. We'll be landing about five miles from Mount Weather. At least, that's where we project where we'll land," Sinclair explained, pointing on a map.

"And the Ark?" Charlie asked.

"After we disengage from the center ring, we'll use thrusters to push us into the atmosphere. I'm not going to lie ... it's going to be a bumpy ride, but we'll have control. I've linked the command center and the thrusters to a console in medical to allow me to pilot the Ark down to the ground. My main concern is, of course, where the Ark will break apart," Sinclair frowned.

"That's a given, right?" Eleazar asked. "Not every part of the Ark will make it down to the ground."

"Correct," Sinclair said, swiping away the map and pulling up a schematic of the Ark. With some typing, the intact photo of the Ark changed to what it looked like at the moment. "D and E block were completely destroyed when Aro took the Exodus ship. It also caused microfractures along the hull where the stations were joined. Since we can't exactly go out to inspect every inch of what remains, I had to extrapolate where those microfractures were located and which parts of the Ark will break away."

"I don't care about the Ark. I just want everyone remaining up here to survive," Esme sniffled. "We've lost so many because of Aro's arrogance and ... Where do we need to be that ensure that?"

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